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Sunday 31 May 2020

New book challenges acclaimed short story which explores Elvis and Big Mama Thornton story through themes of race and sexism: Many readers are probably unaware of the acclaimed and thought-provoking short story (essay), Nineteen Fifty-Five, by Alice Walker (author of The Color Purple). Published as part of the author’s short story compendium, You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down, it tells the story of Elvis and Big Mama Thornton through the fictional names of Traynor and Gracie Mae Still. The story is powerful and raises issues of race, sexism, oppression, and cultural appropriation in American society in the 1950s.

The upcoming book, ELVIS, “A Plan of God” & SUN: The Magic of Without You (Darrin Memmer), devotes a chapter, Hound Dog Ushers in “Ancient Psychedelic” R&B, to the short story. Memmer delves into the fascinating back story behind the recording of Hound Dog (initially recorded by Big Mama Thornton and subsequently Elvis), and through intriguing historical information including revealing interviews (many sourced from the archives of the Mississippi Valley Collection) with songwriters Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, Scotty Moore, Mahalia Jackson, and Elvis (among others), offers a vigorous defence of Elvis and how he is unfairly maligned by essays such as Nineteen Fifty-Five. Memmer observes about Nineteen Fifty-Five:
‘Her “Nineteen Fifty-Five” short story vehicle is ostensibly an African-American song (except Hound Dog had its words and music composed by two Jewish teenagers for a Greek record producer!) and a stage performance style appropriated by the villain she calls the “Emperor of Rock and Roll” — ending with “dumb fans on a crying rampage”

all over television (as aired by Memphis WMC-TV5 anchor Mason Granger with his death and funeral coverage of the city’s most beloved citizen in August ’77) after his death.

On the issue of Elvis “stealing” (covering) Big Mama Thornton’s version of the song (Hound Dog), Memmer writes:
‘It would be almost four years after Big Mama Thornton’s release of Hound Dog, before Elvis would be asked to record the song for RCA Victor. And then, he covered Freddie Bell and The Bellboys 1955 single as released on the Teen label. Elvis did not — did not — cover Big Mama’s Hound Dog. In fact, it was during his 1956 engagement at The Frontier Hotel, after stopping by The Sahara lounge to see Freddie Bell and The Bellboys’ performance of Hound Dog (lyrically a very different version), that Elvis and the boys got the idea to incorporate the number in their live show. As Blue Moon Boys guitarist Scotty Moore recalled: “We loved the way they did it.”’

Both Nineteen Fifty-Five and ELVIS, “A Plan of God” & SUN: The Magic of Without You, challenge the reader to think deeply about the issues raised. You may not agree with one, the other, or even both views, but you won’t go away unmoved in some way, by their respective sentiments.
(News, Source: EIN)

. . . .

'Elvis The Man & His Music' June 2020 Issue: EIN's favourite Elvis music magazine 'Elvis The Man & His Music' Issue #128 is out now

Articles include..
- Previously unpublished interviews with John Wilkinson and Fran Jeffries
- Jackson ’75 – The final benefit show
- Punching Above Their Weight – Those ‘Classic’ Camdens
- Johnson City ’76 – America’s No.1 Myth
- Steppin’ Out Of Line – How Should The Legend Live On?
- CD, Blu-ray & Book Reviews
- Readers’ letters

Go here to NDT to purchase or subscribe



(News, Source:NDT/ElvisInfoNet)

FTD's Ernst Jorgensen saw Elvis live-in-concert once at Johnson City in 1976. Above we see that ETMHM is featuring an article about "Johnson City ’76 – America’s No.1 Myth" while in our updated St Louis / Spokane review below EIN includes reader's feedback as well as our exclusive Arjan Deelen interview with Ernst Jorgensen where he talks about seeing Elvis in Johnson City. EIN always with exclusive reviews and exclusive interviews! 

UPDATED- 'Elvis: St Louis & Spokane 1976' FTD In-Depth Review: 1976 is not an easy Elvis concert year to review. There were no major set-list changes, no dramatic "emotional roller-coaster" of 1974 and no high-flying "Huntsville" 1975 excitements.
Released as a 2-CD 5” digi-pak, this new FTD set features Elvis at the Kiel Auditorium on March 22 1976 and The Coliseum on April 27 1976.
Both shows were "Closing Nights" of these short 1976 tours where Elvis would often go that little bit further for his loving fans.
Larrie Londin played drums with the TCB band on the March 1976 tour so it will be a treat for collectors to get an official release featuring 'A Different Beat' with Larrie Londin playing at St Louis on March 22, 1976.

Can there really be that much to say about these two concerts, well EIN's coolest reviewers have rustled up over 4000 words.. and check if there any surprises in store..
Go here as Elvis soundboard super-collector Geoffrey McDonnell & Piers Beagley check out this new set ....
(FTD Reviews, Source:GM/ElvisInfoNet)

Was Elvis a cross-dresser?: Sharon Cowan (School of Law, University of Edinburgh) has published a challenging (or perhaps, whacky!) 42-page academic paper, The Elvis We Deserve: The Social Regulation of Sex/ Gender and Sexuality Through Cultural Representations of ‘The King’. The paper was earlier commended by participants in the “Taking Elvis Seriously” stream at the Law and Society Conference in Las Vegas. Among other issues, Ms Cowan addresses what many may find unusual, that Elvis can be viewed as a cross-dresser (EIN note: for many fans this will involve a radical and confronting rethinking of how they perceive Elvis):
 Marjorie Garber examines Elvis’s own performances, reading Elvis as what she calls an “unmarked” cross dresser, one whose glittering vestments and make-up onstage, show him to be challenging traditional boundaries between masculinity and femininity. Although this might seem “counter-intuitive” – Elvis is not a female impersonator and would never have been perceived as transvestite – Garber demonstrates, through analysis of his clothes and trademarks, a latent unconscious transvestism (and therefore a fundamental challenge to gender norms) which is in fact central to his success: make-up, jewelled clothes, pearls, his gold lamé suit, spangles and rhinestones. In his early days of performing concerts he dyed his hair (the well known shock of black wavy hair was in fact brown) and was known to wear eye make-up – a fact that apparently rather disconcerted his concert organizers. Add to this the fact that as popular mythology goes, Elvis is said to have placed either lead bar or a piece of rolled up cardboard down the front of his trousers to create the impression of what Garber, quoting George Melly, calls “a weapon of heroic proportions,” a technique commonly employed by drag kings to enhance their masculine appearance and to increase the perception of sexual ‘‘prowess.’’ While in the beginning Elvis may have appeared androgynous, the image of Elvis developed to the point where it can easily be read as transvestite, at least in the

sense that it lends itself to reappropriation by those wishing to challenge the limits of heteronormativity. These images of Elvis call into question boundaries of music, race and class, but also heteronormative conceptions of sex/gender/sexuality. He was what Garber calls a “living category crisis.”

While it cannot be claimed that Elvis was intentionally impersonating a woman, this reading of the ‘‘feminization’’ of Elvis allows the boundary between masculinity and femininity, maleness and femaleness, indeed the performance of gender itself, to be contested: “transvestism is a space of possibility structuring and confounding culture.” The instability of the image of Elvis allows for various and multiple interpretations and appropriations of different aspects of his personality and sexuality, and this in turn illuminates the instability of gender. Arguably the radical potential of lesbian drag kings like Elvis Herselvis is that they do not try to fit within one of the dichotomized sex /gender / sexuality categories, but rather in emulating Elvis they inhabit a temporary third (or other) category, one which is produced by, and produces, not just a crisis of masculinity / femininity, but a “crisis of category itself.” This third place, however, is not a stable coherent identity or even term – as Garber says: “The ‘third’ is a mode of articulation, a way of describing a space of possibility.” Drag kings who emulate Elvis (and, on one reading, perhaps Elvis himself) are in this way challenging, at the most fundamental level, the idea of a binary sex/gender system, and the idea that these binary categories are natural and real. The drag king presentations of the

gendered body on stage, as a parodic reinterpretation of an image that already confounds sex/gender/sexuality, is, in this post-modern and arguably queer world, an Elvis that we deserve.
(EIN notes- There are multiple good-looking "Female Elvises" out there, such as She-Is-The-King shown above)
(News, Source: Academia/ElvisInfoNet)

(Concert Review) A Rock ‘n’ Roll Story – Elvis in Asheville in 1975: We found this review hiding away in the EIN archives...
Around 10 p.m., the lights in the Asheville Civic Center arena darkened, and the somber strains of Richard Strauss’ “Also Sprach Zarathustra” – the theme from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 – filled the air. The music was appropriately momentous, because the long-waited date of July 22, 1975, had arrived. A bona fide superstar was about to rock the then-new arena for three nights in a row.
Asheville resident Nancy Fox was there, after she and a girlfriend, along with 7,500 other people, had shelled out a mere $10 for their tickets. “We were in the orchestra section; we had good seats,” she recalls. “My heart was jumping out of my skin.” As the dramatic pounding of the timpani drove 2001 to its climax, into the limelight stepped the one, the only, Elvis Aaron Presley.
“When he came out, he was bigger than life in that white jumpsuit,” Fox remembers. An eruption of screams filled the arena as the music segued into a rousing version of another late-Elvis standard, “See, See, Rider.”
That show and the next two – all of which had sold out in a matter of hours back in March – marked the end of one of Elvis’ ’70s-era whirlwind tours. It was a short but intense venture away from the comforts of Graceland, a two-week Oklahoma City-to-WNC blitz brimming with music and mayhem.
And for all the excitement at the Civic Center – where scalper tickets were going for as much as $50 – an equally compelling display of Elvis’ dramatic flair was playing out behind the scenes. “A writer who had the time could dig up a thousand stories about Elvis’ visit here,” noted Asheville Citizen writer Bob Terrell in a July 25 column. Unearthing those stories, which exemplified the excess, eccentricity and sheer heart that came to characterize the performer’s final years, makes it clear that Elvis rocked Asheville in more ways than one.
When he played the Asheville shows – 30 years ago last week – Elvis was an increasingly hefty 40-year-old, a far cry from the boy-faced, slick-and-slim wonder who hypnotized a generation of teenagers with the forbidden fruit of rock ‘n’ roll. He’d been to Asheville before, but under much different circumstances: In 1955, right before he became famous, he’d opened here for country music faves Hank Snow and Martha Carson. Twenty years later, when Elvis finally returned, the once indisputable “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll” found his fame – and frame – changing shape. As Nancy Fox remembers it, in Asheville there were signs of the star’s now-infamous physical decline, but he was still a full-fledged star. “He was in that progression to where he ended up being, but he had not gotten to that point. He was just bigger – but he was still Elvis Presley, in all of his glory. He was just a bigger version of Elvis.”
The next day, the Asheville Citizen recorded that Elvis was “paunchy but pretty,” and that he sang in a voice “as vigorous and convincing as ever.” During the almost two-hour performance, the singer, his 15-piece band, 11-member orchestra and slew of backup singers gave the Asheville audience a big show, pausing for only one, unexpected seven- minute intermission.

See EIN's review of Elvis' final Asheville  1975 concert on bootleg
(News, Source: Jon Elliston and Stuart Gaines/Elvis Daily)

Fact or myth - was Elvis a homeowner in Western North Carolina (WNC)? Following on from the review of Elvis’ show in Asheville, an interesting question was asked by a reader of the Asheville Citizen Times newspaper, and the answer (by the newspaper’s “Answer Man”, John Boyle) has several twists and turns:
Question: There is a very large house up on top of the mountain located at the corner of Mills Gap Road and Burney Mountain Road. The house is located on Winghaven Drive. When I was a boy growing up in WNC, my mother would tell me every time we drove past it that Elvis Presley owned that house. Did he ever own that house?
My answer: No, but he probably partied there as a teenager.

Real answer: This one apparently falls into the "suburban legend" file.
Marnie and Rob Rusnak currently own the house, "A Dr. Souther built the house, and there are stories that at some point in time, Elvis had seen the house and tried to buy it, but apparently the doctor was not keen on Elvis," Rusnak said. "I don't think it ever went any further." The house was built in 1969, "From what I've heard, every kid growing up in Fletcher partied in that house," Rusnak said.
But, alas, Elvis apparently did not. What originally fueled the rumor and has probably kept it circulating all these years is that Elvis apparently did look for property in the area while holding a three-day concert stand at the Asheville Civic Center in 1975. A news account in the July 24 Asheville Citizen that year had the headline, "Elvis May Purchase Mansion at Flat Rock," referring to an antebellum estate called Beaumont. Clearly, that was a different property, and the deal never went anywhere.
Elvis died in August 1977, apparently with no property under his name here in Western North Carolina. Yes, it appears Elvis left the building ... alone.
(News, Source: John Boyle, Asheville Citizen Times)

Thursday 28 May 2020

'Elvis: St Louis & Spokane 1976' FTD In-Depth Review: 1976 is not an easy Elvis concert year to review. There were no major set-list changes, no dramatic "emotional roller-coaster" of 1974 and no high-flying "Huntsville" 1975 excitements.
Released as a 2-CD 5” digi-pak, this new FTD set features Elvis at the Kiel Auditorium on March 22 1976 and The Coliseum on April 27 1976.
Both shows were "Closing Nights" of these short 1976 tours where Elvis would often go that little bit further for his loving fans.
Larrie Londin played drums with the TCB band on the March 1976 tour so it will be a treat for collectors to get an official release featuring 'A Different Beat' with Larrie Londin playing at St Louis on March 22, 1976.

Can there really be that much to say about these two concerts, well EIN's coolest reviewers have rustled up over 4000 words.. and check if there any surprises in store..
Go here as Elvis soundboard super-collector Geoffrey McDonnell & Piers Beagley check out this new set ....
(FTD Reviews, Source:GM/ElvisInfoNet)

Cool Elvis Posters for Auction: In addition to Julien's auctions (see below) Heritage are also holding a "Entertainment & Music Memorabilia Signature Auction" on July 11. Two cool Elvis flyers are included..
- Elvis Presley Spring 1956 Two-Date Ohio Concert Handbill. A very early Elvis Presley advertising flyer for four concerts in Ohio when "Heartbreak Hotel" was the #1 single and Elvis Presley the #1 album in the country.
"Elvis Presley Plus 8 All-Star Acts," the flyer proclaims. We're sure Colonel Tom Parker wasn't involved in designing this, due to the latter five words being much bigger than Elvis's name. But this very rare item – some long-time Elvis authorities we contacted had never seen it before – has so much going for it. It's all there. With the two cities being only 70 miles apart, it's a good guess that one promoter handled both shows, and used joint advertising.
Great provenance on this piece, which originated with a woman who owned a record store in the area which sold tickets to the shows. Measures 5 ¾" x 10 ½" and grades to Very Good Plus condition. COA from Heritage Auctions.
Also - Elvis Presley 1973 Lake Tahoe 3:00 AM Mother's Day Special Charity Concert Poster. A highly unusual concert-advertising poster for Elvis Presley appearing at 3:00 AM in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada on Sunday morning, May 13, 1973. This middle-of-the-night event was a special show in memory of the singer's late mother, Mrs. Gladys Presley, and all proceeds were donated to the local hospital.
Click here to Heritage for more
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Monday 25 May 2020

Elvis Items In Julien's Auctions: Next month June 19 / 20 some of the most iconic rock'n'roll memorabilia ever assembled will go to auction at Julien's Music Icons 2020. In this lockdown era there could be bargains to be had. Items on offer include memorabilia from stars Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, Prince, The Beatles, Madonna, Queen, David Bowie, Elton John and many more.
At the center of this event is the 1959 Martin D-18E played by Kurt Cobain throughout Nirvana’s most legendary performance in their live taping for the popular MTV Unplugged series on November 18, 1993. Approximately five months before his death, Cobain chose this guitar to paint what Rolling Stone called "his last self-portrait."
Other highlights include a custom-made 1984 blue cloud guitar used by Prince; a rare page of handwritten lyrics for “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” by Paul McCartney; Jim Morrison’s rare and historic “Paris Journal,” and Johnny Cash’s personal items.
Plenty of Elvis items are also featured including a star-studded collection of jewelry and belt buckles plus...
- A pair of black western trousers with beige fringe on the sides, worn by Elvis in his role as Johnny in Frankie and Johnny (UA, 1966). Estimate US$6000

- 14K yellow gold TCB necklaces..
- A blue macrame beaded belt gifted by Elvis Presley to his hairstylist, Homer Gilleland.
- A 14K yellow gold wristwatch signed “Geneve” & bracelet.
- A 14K yellow gold nugget ring with eight round diamonds
- A certificate from Int Kenpo Karate Association awarded to Sonny West for 3rd Degree Brown signed by Elvis Presley, Dave Hebler and others. Estimate US$5000
- The OWL metal decoration buckle. The back of the buckle has handwritten “Elvis LR” from one of Presley’s famous suits worn on stage
-  A 1977 white on white Lincoln Mark V purchased by Elvis.
- A 1966 Chevrolet Impala which Elvis later decided to gift it to Gary Pepper, president of Presley’s fan club
-  A 1977 Silverado pickup truck was purchased on Christmas Eve 1976 by Presley. He eventually gave it to his father, Vernon Presley.
Go here to Julien's Auctions and bid on line
Friday, June 19th, 2020 & Saturday, June 20th, 2020 10am.
(News, Source;JA/ElvisInfoNet)

Follow That Dream - My Life as the Asian Elvis (Part 8) – Yoshi (Suzuki) Rides Again: Over the past year, EIN has published the uplifting story and enviable adventures of the “Original Asian Elvis”, Robert “Yoshi” Kim, as he has established himself as one of the world’s most popular ETA’s, collaborating with many musicians who performed with Elvis, and meeting those who knew Elvis.

Yoshi is concluding his decades long amazing story as he takes us both back, and front stage, for his participation in the auditions for the very popular America’s Got Talent (AGT) TV show, and subsequently the Gong Show.

Throw in celebrities Megan Fox and Mike Myers, and 3,500 other contestants in AGT, and what we have is a colorful and fun conclusion to what has been an amazing ride. Thanks “Yoshi”!

(Almost Elvis, Source: Robert ‘Yoshi” Kim)

Was Jerry Lee Lewis Elvis’ SUN rival?: Stories about a rivalry between Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis persist, even though Elvis had been gone from Sun Records for over a year before Jerry Lee burst on the scene. In some ways The Killer had the better of it in this presumed competition. For one thing, Jerry Lee had much bigger hits at Sun Records than Elvis did. The sales of “Whole Lot of Shakin’ Going On” and “Great Balls of Fire” absolutely dwarfed anything achieved by Elvis’ five Sun releases. “Breathless” and “High School Confidential” also made the Top 40, something not achieved by an Elvis song until he went to RCA.

Jerry Lee’s career also shot out of the gates quicker than Elvis’. His first release “Crazy Arms” went nowhere, but the second, “Whole Lot of Shakin’,” instantly made him a national star.

The supposed feud between Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley is on pretty shaky ground. Consider what Elvis said after the famed “Million Dollar Quartet” session, his first musical interaction with Jerry Lee: “That boy can go. I think he has a great future ahead of him. He has a different style, and the way he plays piano just gets inside me.” Jerry Lee wasn’t afraid to put his stamp on Elvis songs. He has recorded “Good Rockin’ Tonight,” “Jailhouse Rock,” “Hound Dog,” and “Don’t Be Cruel.” Elvis covered Jerry Lee’s’ “Whole Lot of Shakin,” and a few lesser-known Lewis songs.

Jerry Lee Lewis is a survivor. Unfortunately, he filled a lot of his years with scandals, drug and alcohol problems, and family breakups. Nine months before Elvis’ death, Jerry Lee was arrested for waving a gun outside the gates of Graceland in the early morning hours, when he was refused permission to see Elvis.

Go here to EIN's Elvis vs Jerry lee Lewis

(News, Source: Email)

Elvis and Priscilla’s Mobile-Home: It was back in August 2018 that Elvis and Priscilla's iconic 1960s Delta mobile home sold at auction for more than $67,000! Max Wiggins who bought it said he "would have paid any price for it because it belonged to Elvis". The late King of Rock and Roll and his then wife previously used the mobile home as a vacation getaway and placed it on the 163-acre grounds of their famous Circle G Ranch, which is located 10 miles south of Graceland where they spent part of their honeymoon there after tying the knot in May 1967.
Envisioned as a getaway spot for Presley, Circle G Ranch featured a ranch house and eight trailers, which Presley installed for

his buddies, the "Memphis Mafia." Though Elvis and Priscilla had use of the ranch house, he later added a ninth trailer for them: a 60-foot, two-bedroom Delta mobile home. The couple event spent part of their honeymoon on the property. Lovers of vintage interior decor will be enamored with the mobile home's blue kitchen cabinetry and cozy wood paneling, and those who appreciate Presley's flair for the flamboyant will appreciate the red and gold bathroom. Now you can take another detailed look around the mobile home - but remember this is how it looks after extensive restoration rather than how it looked when Elvis and Priscilla lived in it.
To be honest without any "genuine" Elvis content it looks rather average - but with some new gold plate.
Go here to A Taste of Country article.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Saturday 23 May 2020
Intimate Graceland Re-Opened: Graceland reopened Thursday morning and with small crowds and social distancing it gives fans a much more intimate ELVIS experience.
With Graceland back in business can the rest of Memphis' tourist attractions be far behind?
Debbie Miller chief EPE marketing officer said, "People need to get the economy started again, and we're glad to be part of that. We know we're a big tourist driver for Memphis, and we think a lot of people will come here when they hear Graceland is open again."
On re-opening day thanks to social distancing measures and much lower than usual numbers, visitors were graced with an unusually intimate Elvis experience.
On a typical May day, 3,000 to 4,000 fans tour the mansion but on Thursday the number was closer to 250. As a result visitors found themselves in tour groups with as few as six people. This enabled them to spend alone time with their thoughts as they contemplated Elvis' white piano,
his peacock stained-glass windows and his Jungle Room zebra stripes.
"We ended up in the Meditation Garden by ourselves, so it was probably a little bit of a spiritual experience," said Randy Wink, 61. His wife Kim added, "There's no question the COVID situation makes us take stock of our lives and what matters to us. Bottom line it was his family that mattered to Elvis."
With only a few days warning that Graceland would re-open many of Thursday's visitors were travellers who extended their time in Memphis or made a detour here after they heard the Graceland news.
Read full article here.
(News, Source:MComAppeal/ElvisInfoNet)

(New book) 'ELVIS, "A Plan of God" & SUN: The Magic of Without You' (Darrin Memmer): Further to our exclusive photo of Elvis holding baby, Fawn Forbess, EIN now has more information about Darrin Memmer's new release.

Based on new first-hand accounts with those who knew Elvis during his high school and Sun Records days, and an analysis of previously published interviews, the book offers surprising new information about Elvis' Humes High School Class & Carnival "Variety Show"/Talent Show performances and offers a new perspective of the back story to the recording of Elvis' breakthrough single, That's All Right, Mama, and as the book title suggests, Without You. Elvis historians will also be pleased to know that the book features some very rare archival material from Elvis' SUN days.

This includes the previously unpublished photo of Elvis from 1960 which Mary Ruth Forbess (through Darrin Memmer) kindly allowed EIN to publish this week, and Ms Forbess's important and revealing recollections of Elvis at Humes High.
(News, Source: Darrin Lee Memmer)

EIN readers:
when you share online, respectfully add - "CREDIT: Mary Ruth Forbess and 'ELVIS, "A Plan of God" & SUN: The Magic of Without You' softcover by Darrin Lee Memmer."

Billy Stanley's Memories of Elvis: .. "The other night, David and I were talking... I said, you know... I kinda wished I'd talked to Elvis about starting a race team... David said, I'm surprised you didn't... I said, I thought about it... And, I know he was probably expecting me to, but I couldn't bring myself to ask him for anything... Growing up with Elvis, we saw a lot of people ask him for stuff, money, cars, motorcycles, everything... But, that's something my brothers and I couldn't do... We saw how it affected Elvis, went someone would ask him for something... Don't get me wrong, Elvis loved to give... But, some of these people didn't even have the courtesy to even ask how he was doing... They just showed up with their hands out... After they got what they wanted, they would leave... Then Elvis would say how he felt used... That's why we NEVER asked for material things from Elvis... The only thing my brothers and I asked him for was his advice...

I've thought long and hard about the racing team, and I know Elvis was just waiting for me to ask him, for help... He even hinted for me to ask, but I couldn't do it... Anyway, here's the first photo of the beginning of Hound Dog Racing... this photo was taken in 1963, I was 10 years old. I'm standing to

the left, looking at Rick and David is on the right... That's Elvis' cousin, Paul Wayne - Vernon's sister, Gladys' son. The second is a photo of Elvis driving a go-kart. This was our race track... The front driveway at Graceland... We spent many hours racing... Some of my favorite memories are from times like these...
(News, Source: Bobbiej Horsman, The Elvis Newspage - TCOTOE/Billy Stanley)
David Stanley talks to EIN: in 2012 Elvis' youngest stepbrother, David Stanley, opened up to EIN in a candid interview about his latest book, what it offered to Elvis fans, and life with Elvis.

Elvis Birthplace Museum waiting to reopen: Life is still very quiet at the Elvis Presley Birthplace Museum and when exactly it will reopen is still uncertain because of the CV19 pandemic. Since the museum's closing on March 23, visitors have only been able to explore outside.
The park is fairly quiet right now. The ambient noise of chirping birds and the still sound of water streams falling in the fountain fill the air.
Executive Director Dick Guyton has worked at the museum for 18 years. He loves Elvis and feels a special connection to the place. He demonstrated how most ladies like to hold the statue's hand.
"I think a lot of people are ready for this to be eased up a little bit so they can do some things that they want to do for their leisure.
It's always good for people to be here, we're excited about them being here, and we just want them to keep coming back." - Guyton is waiting to hear from the governor when museums in Mississippi may be permitted to reopen.
(News, Source;TT/ElvisInfoNet)

Sun Studios to Reopen June 1: Sun Studios has announced that they will Re-Open on Monday, June 1.
They posted, ... We've missed everyone these past few months and it's officially time to get back to rockin' and rollin'! We'll see you all June 1st. Check in on the website for updated safety protocol before you come. As always, tours will be available first come, first served.

A veritable icon of music and a Memphis landmark, Sun Studio is known as the Birthplace of Rock ‘n’ Roll. In this simple building run by Sam Phillips the, so-say, very first rock single 'Rocket 88' was recorded in 1951 when it was called the Memphis Recording Service. The former recording studio’s musical heritage was made famous thanks to the superstardom of artists such as Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, B.B. King and Roy Orbison.

Go here to SUN Studio website for details

(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Blake Shelton Drives Elvis' Truck on 'Jay Leno's Garage': This week's episode of 'Jay Leno's Garage' featured country star Blake Shelton as a special guest, and the country star got a huge surprise when Leno put him behind the wheel of a 1967 GMC truck that once belonged to Elvis Presley.
Leno didn't break the news to Shelton until he was already driving, telling him, "This is Elvis' truck, we had it shipped out here for you to drive. I wanted you to get the feel of it."
"You're kidding me!" Shelton responded "I love that." He quickly turned suspicious, saying, "Elvis didn't drive a truck" to which Leno confirmed he did.
"He had a lot of vehicles. One of the many cars Elvis purchased, this is the one he would drive around his ranch in. So you are sitting where the King sat!"
Elvis fan Shelton who last year hosted the 'Elvis All-Star Tribute' on NBC admitted he was also getting nervous over the unbelievable moment. "I never would've dreamed that Elvis Presley even owned a truck."
Leno told him that Presley owned "all kinds of cars" and that he himself had driven the King's yellow De Tomaso Pantera, which Presley reportedly shot a bullet into after he wanted to make a quick getaway after a fight with his girlfriend but the car wouldn't start.
The two took Elvis' truck to the Radio Recorders studio where the late musician recorded "Jailhouse Rock" before driving to Hollywood's Formosa Cafe where Leno got a steak and ordered Shelton a peanut butter, banana and bacon sandwich in honor of the King.
"That's another thing Elvis and I... we share a love for eating," Shelton said.
Click here for YouTube clip
(News, Source:ElvisInfoNet)

Tuesday 19 May 2020

EIN Exclusive!: Previously unpublished photo of Elvis with baby Fawn Forbess (1960):
Prolific (and sometimes controversial) Elvis author, Darrin Memmer, will shortly release his latest book examining Elvis’ performances at Humes High and the recording of his iconic song at SUN Studio, That’s All Right (Mama).

In advance of the book’s publication, Darrin has provided EIN with the “first public” view of a “never-before-seen” image of Elvis holding baby, Fawn Forbess, in 1960 (no word yet on whether Fawn continued her “Elvis like” rock and roll vocals as she grew up).

 In Darrin’s upcoming book, based on “first hand” interviews and “primary source” research, he reveals new information about Elvis performing at the Humes High Talent Show, and offers an intriguing perspective on the recording of Elvis’ first commercially released SUN single.

EIN has read parts of the manuscript and it is another thought provoking release from the author.

Right: Elvis Presley shares a memorable moment with Fawn Forbess at Graceland in 1960. (This never-before published photograph captured by and courtesy Ms. Mary Ruth Forbess)

(News, Source: Darrin Memmer/Ms Mary Ruth Forbess/EIN)

ELVIS: Behind The Image Ep1 Coming Soon: A brand new video introduction to the new 'ELVIS: Behind The Image' series has dropped today on YouTube. All those who have subscribed to the YouTube channel will be automatically notified.
Get subscribed as Bud Glass promises EPISODE 1 will be a cracker.
"I can honestly tell you that fans have never seen anything like this before. This series is anything but ordinary.... As fans will soon see. And this first episode is only the beginning!"
The source material is comprised of a wide variety of essential unique ingredients that include First hand, eye-witness accounts, Rare 8mm video footage; unreleased audio,
classic corresponding photos, documents and supporting material that establish the factual base to each episode.
Then utilizing my work as an Elvis historian, book author, documentary producer and Elvis museum owner - I combined those key ingredients and add my personal spin in my own totally unique, often humorous narrative.
The end result is this fresh, modern presentation - delivered in exciting, bite-sized episodes.
Click here to www.elvisbehindtheimage.com
Watch the new promo video and then subscribe to be personally notified when the first episode drops! After that - fasten your seat belts… It’s about to get REAL!
(News, Source;BudGlass/ElvisInfoNet)

Response to Elvis’ “sinful ways”: Our news item last week (see below) on ‘extreme views about Elvis that live on in 2020’ sparked a very interesting response. Some of the views are well reflected in this missive from Jon Burrows:
Hi there, Thanks for your great articles and the opportunity to reply. This seems to be debated amongst Christians for some time / now and again. I guess it comes down to what someone believes ‘is’ a Christian. I will say that I have my own sins and life to worry about and that as long as Elvis had breath in his lungs, he could repent. I hope he was a Christian. Christian’s believe that the Holy Spirit indwells them to assist in discernment, in living righteously, in obeying God’s commandments and doing the will of God.
“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.”
There are these things to consider:
With regards to Elvis ever being baptized, there is evidence that he was baptized at least once (some story about him being baptized a second time within the heretical Oneness Movement. But his cousin says he was baptized once) as well as his dad Vernon:
"Patsy Presley Geranen said she knows her cousin was baptized at least once.
    “I’m pretty sure he was baptized in Tupelo, but I don’t know if he was ever baptized in Memphis,” she said."
Also, an interview with Vernon (here) states Elvis was baptized.
My intent is just to provide all the information - some, all, or none of it may or may not be true. As you know, not everything written, with supposed proof or not, is true. A well written article could appear to prove or disprove anything. Something else to ponder: someone who was "of the devil", why would they in any way shape or form want to jeopardize their rock n roll status, their image to the world, as a cool, hip, rebellious entertainer by talking about, singing about and giving God glory for all good things (albeit aside from the way he sang)
“I believe in the Bible. I believe that all good things come from God. I don't believe I'd sing the way I do if God hadn't wanted me to.’”
And then there is:
"Elvis recommitted his life to Jesus Christ on that night," says Rick Stanley, Elvis's stepbrother. "Elvis knew the Lord. He was a modern-day King David," he told me in an interview. Stanley believes that, like King David of the Bible, Presley was a man who pursued God, yet stumbled often into the sins of the flesh.
On the day before Presley died, Stanley told Elvis that a friend of his was telling him about Jesus and how she was praying for him. "Elvis Presley, at 42 years old, looked at me and said, 'Ricky, she's telling you the truth.' Then he said, 'People who talk to you about Jesus really care.' I talked with Elvis for a while … then left to run an errand." When he returned to Graceland, Elvis was dead.
On the night of his death, Elvis prayed, "Dear Lord, please show me a way. I'm tired and confused, and I need your help." A few minutes later, he looked at Stanley and said, "Rick, we should all begin to live for Christ." On the previous day, Stanley heard Elvis praying, "God, forgive me for my sins. Let…people…have compassion and understanding of the things I have done." -
Again, everything said is not true. "The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!" And I am not comparing Elvis with Jesus.
A Christian will exhibit the ‘fruit of the Spirit’ which is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
The new documentary, “The Searcher” is about Elvis “SEARCHING”.. just my two bits.. a Christian needs not search.. he found what he was looking for. PERIOD. I often ask myself what part of God living inside Elvis wanted him to read: The Impersonal Life, The Initiation of the World, The Prophet, The Mystical Christ, The Secret Doctrine, Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, The Leaves of Morya's Garden, Volumes I & II, Red Tree, The Philosophy of Shopenhauer, Cosmic Consciousness, The Intimate Way, Sacred Science of Numbers, The Inner Reality, The New Age Voice, The World Around Us, The Joyful Wisdom, Just One Voice, Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, Only Love by Sri Daya Mata, The Road Ahead by Swami Kriyananda, Through the Eyes of the Masters by David Anrias and The Scientific Search for the Face of Jesus.
Elvis didn’t go to a worship service on Sundays, Elvis didn’t stop fornicating, nor did he stop committing adultery.
Now, I admit doing or not doing what I just said doesn’t make or disqualify someone from being saved so I can’t say if Elvis was a true saved Christian or not. The issue may be that a Christian will and does sin, but they do not LIVE IN or WITH sin.
Don’t forget.... “ Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you; (For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth.”
Just because someone sings and prefers gospel songs doesn’t mean you are a Christian. “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.” And, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS!” Read Donny Sumner’s book. He was singing Gospel his whole life and many years with Elvis. He wasn’t a Christian until Aug 1976... then he immediately quit Elvis. He told Elvis he had to quit. Elvis replied to him that he wished he could quit as well, but he’ll go on being Elvis. One needs to be born again to see the Kingdom of God and up until 1976 Elvis had no idea what being born again was as he asked Donnie Sumner what that meant. I believe up until that point Elvis was a sinner in need of a Savior. However, 1 year past since that time and Elvis could have and may have repented and believed before he died ... so he won’t perish.
He did have that meeting with Reverend Rex Humbard and his wife. The reverend states that Elvis rededicated his life to Jesus.
Hopefully all that searching Elvis did wasn’t because he didn’t believe.... wouldn’t be good. And hopefully prior to Elvis’ death he was a child of God. But I, nor anyone, can say definitively. And we all have our own sins to worry about. - Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
On a more succinct note, EIN reader Ron Trudell messaged: "Elvis knew more about the LORD than the person that wrote this clip. I BELIEVE THAT".
- So almost 43 years after his passing, Elvis continues to ignite debate!
(Feedback, Source: ElvisInfoNet)

Monday 18 May 2020
Arlo Guthrie 'Can't Help Falling In Love With You': A marvelous story for CV19 lockdown.
Folk singer Arlo Guthrie (son of legend Woody Guthrie) tells a truly wonderful life-affirming story of singing Elvis' 'Can't Help Falling In Love With You' at a European folk festival, to 30,000 folk music lovers!
He jokes about choosing a song made popular by 'The King of Folk Singers' Elvis Presley. 
Arlo Guthrie teases fellow musician Pete Seeger about him being a core "Folkie" and exactly how Elvis' music fits into the whole equation.
After all everyone knows Elvis' music and the world is a better place if you are an ELVIS fan.
Live at Wolftrap, August 8, 1993
Go here to YouTube for a life-affirming 9 minutes.
EIN HIGHLY recommended
with big THANKS to our friend James Bracken
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Graceland Re-opening May 21: It seems very hard to believe but EPE have announced that Graceland  is re-opening May 21 with Social Spacing in place.
Memphis is not such a CV19 hot-spot as Nashville and the number of cases seem to be plateauing.
EPE posted, We are so excited to see you back at Elvis Presley's Graceland!
100+ acres dedicated to ELVIS will welcome back guests beginning Thursday, May 21.
Graceland is committed to the health and safety of our guests and will keep to social distancing, capacity, health and safety guidelines.
With Mansion tours reduced to 25% capacity, you will have the unique opportunity to walk in Elvis' footsteps like never before - in your own personal space spread out from other guests. During our re-opening phase, restaurant capacities will be reduced by 50% and outdoor patio seating will also be available.
As we prepare to welcome visitors back to our campus, we have been working diligently to reconfigure all of our operations, including tours, retail and restaurants, to ensure the health and safety of our guests and associates for our re-opening. - Click here to EPE website for tour details
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)

'100 SUPER ROCKS' New Import Box-set: The publicity says... Presented here is another fan favorite from the 70’s.
100 Super Rocks is without doubt one of the best distributed Elvis LP Box sets ever.
There have been several very popular editions of this boxset available in France, Australia & Germany. Each with their own unique artwork. Now available are three VERY LIMITED different versions of this boxset, German, Australian and French edition. All with 5cds & wonderful poster.
Each set includes a fantastic bonus disc with rare and hard to find versions of songs present on the original box set. A great spinner!
EIN Says: File under "the bootleggers are getting desperate" a compilation of songs that every Elvis collector already has.
If I want to play 100 Super-Rocks I'd play the original vinyl for the true 70s feel.
Very oddly the original vinyl set never included 'That's All Right' or 'Mystery Train' yet included 'I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine'

Go to 'All The CD News 2020' for full tracklistings and details
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

'Tracks and Grooves' New Import CD: The publicity says.. Petticoat records is back! This time with a fantastic vinyl album full of seventies classics.
This high quality album (including bonus cd) featuring 13 rare and hard to find alternate versions of these classics is now available.
A powerful 180 grams vinyl that will find the way to your record player over and over again.
And as always housed in a STUNNING full color sleeve suitable for framing!
This high quality vinyl pressing is now available in very limited GOLD or CLEAR vinyl.
Don’t miss out on this very limited edition!
EIN Says: File under "the bootleggers are getting desperate"...
Several of these tracks were featured on the excellent FTD 'Standing Room Only' vinyl release
Go to 'All The CD News 2020' for full tracklistings and details
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Sunday 17 May 2020
Sony ELVIS Colouring Sessions: A new on-line colouring book featuring popular album covers. including Elvis, has been released to promote relaxation for music lovers during lockdown.
The Colouring Sessions is a new mindfulness project by Sony, aiming to help create an atmosphere of calm and relaxation with the help of music and creativity.
Talking about the inspiration behind the project, Heidi Boston-Thompson, UK Sony Marketing Manager said: "We’re lucky to have a selection of some of the most beautiful, striking and creative album artwork of all time at our fingertips. We wanted to give our artists’ audiences the chance to take a moment out, explore their own creativity, drive focus and ultimately aid relaxation.
The online book, called The Colouring Sessions, has been released by Sony Music.
"By pairing music with the simple exercise of colouring in, we hope to create a mindful environment and a sense of calm for the audience.”
The templates can be coloured digitally or printed at home. The finished creations can be shared on a dedicated gallery on the website. Other colouring templates include Carole King - Tapestry, Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced, Hall & Oates - Rock N Soul and Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity.
it is easy and FUN - Click here
(News, Source;Sony/ElvisInfoNet)

MRS 'Elvis: In Living Stereo' VINYL OUT NOW: Despite CV19 lockdown the Memphis Recording Service label has delivered their new release to London dealers already - the VINYL version of 'Elvis: In Living Stereo'.
The set features 61 tracks presented on 180gram quality 3LP / TRIPLE GATEFOLD and titled 'IN LIVING STEREO’.
Release date was 22nd May, 2020 and it may take longer to reach other dealers
The 3 LPs contain remastered tracks of the Essential 1960- 1962 master recordings plus bonus rare alternate outtakes never before released on vinyl.

CLICK HERE for tracklist and details
With each side running around 24 minutes, from 'Make Me Know It' through 'Little Sister' to 'She's Not You' (Take 2FS & Comp) every vinyl side is a real belter!

This is a limited edition release is 1000 copies (600 Black and 400 Crystal Clear).
Click to Elvis London Shop to order - £59.99   

Last year MRS released a 6-CD Book/Combo deluxe set. See EIN's In-depth Review here
(News, Source;MRS/ElvisInfoNet)

Thursday 14 May 2020 - - - Today with TEN News Updates - - -
Mama Cass, Elvis and Gospel Music: Elvis' post-performance relaxation was often middle-of-the-night gatherings in his hotel suite singing Gospel songs with his backing singers such as The Imperials or The Stamps. Many fans will not be aware that one night, February 23, 1973, Mama Cass Elliott (The Mamas and the Papas) also joined Elvis and others in his suite in Las Vegas.
The account of their meeting by Elvis’ step-brother, Billy Stanley, describes it well:
... At one point during that night, Mama Cass asked Elvis....in a rather derisive way!  ‘Why do you do this? Why do you sing these same gospel songs over and over like this?’
Instead of being offended, Elvis asked her if she had ever tried it... ever tried singing a song with a gospel quartet backing her up? She laughed and said that she had not. He challenged her to try it just once.
After some hesitation and cajoling, she finally decided she knew the words to Amazing Grace and would sing it.
She did and The Imperials fell in and provided back up harmonies. They sang it all the way through and when she finished, she turned to Elvis and told
that having those voices surround hers as she sang was the most indescribable feeling she had ever experienced!
She said... 'Now I get it. Now I understand why this means so much to you'.
(Photo: Terry Blackwood, Sherman Andrus, Jim Murray, Mama Cass Elliot, Joe Moscheo on piano, Armond Morales, (Vegas comedian) Marty Allen, Elvis, Linda Thompson)
The Imperial's Joe Moscheo adds, "Mama Cass suggested 'Amazing Grace'. A couple of seconds later, I slid on to the piano bench and we began singing backup as Mama Cass sang a moving rendition of one of the best loved hymns of all time.
It gave her the feeling that a soloist gets when they are singing with a well-rehearsed group providing harmonic support. The background sort of wraps around you, enabling
you to really lose yourself in the music. I think Mama Cass wanted to feel a little bit of what Elvis knew so well and experienced on stage each night. Afterwards Mama Cass was visibly affected. She started hugging everyone, and the meaning of the song took on a life of its own even among those who had just been listening. I remember Elvis beaming like a proud daddy....
(News, Source:NP/ElvisInfoNet )

New academic book considers what Elvis achieved and why he still matters: Dr Mark Duffett has written Elvis: Roots, Image, Comeback, Phenomenon (Equinox Publishing) which interprets the image and music of Elvis Presley to explore how they have evolved to create such a powerful and enduring myth. The book reveals how, as the most prominent performer of the rock and roll era and as a global superstar, Elvis was revolutionary. The book forms part of a series, Icons of Pop Music, which looks at musical pioneers such as The Beatles, Buddy Holly, Nina Simone and Brian Wilson. Mark teaches in the university’s department of music, media and performance in Padgate on subjects ranging from media fandom and heritage culture, horror films, European cinema and cultural studies and has featured in TV productions.
Mark said: “It’s been a busy time for me lately, with several projects emerging after years of work. The automobiles book had its roots in an international conference we staged in Chester back in 2012. It’s fascinating, with a real range of perspectives on music and motoring. I was invited to write the Elvis monograph around the same time. For an international icon, Presley has attracted surprisingly little attention in academia, but things are beginning to change now, particularly as historians consider his role. The book explores debates about what he achieved and how to understand why he still matters. It was a pleasure to write.”
(EIN note: Dr. Duffett’s book has been published but due to COVID-19 disruptions, appears to currently only be only available from the publisher – hopefully, it will be in stock at Amazon, Book Depository, B&N, etc, soon).
(News, Source: Essential Elvis Radio/EIN)
Read EIN’s interview with Dr. Mark Duffett (2018)
Read EIN’s review of the author’s earlier book, Counting Down Elvis His 100 Finest Songs

New FTD Releases OUT NOW: The two new FTD releases are finally at European dealers, delayed due to the CV19 lockdowns. With so few airlines operating they may take weeks to get to far away overseas destinations.
1. 'ELVIS: St. Louis & Spokane 1976' - Released as a 2 - CD 5” soundboard. 2. 'The Kid Galahad Sessions' -
This two CD set includes many remixed, remastered and UNRELEASED studio outtakes all in sensational audio quality.
Go here to 'Elvis FTD News 2020' for full tracklistings

'Elvis - My Side of the Story' EPE Cartoon: Graceland has announced that they will stay closed until at least May 20th due to the CV19 crisis.
In the meantime Sony Music has put together this rather funky and funny little cartoon of Elvis telling "My Side Of the Story"!
Watch cartoon Elvis discuss how he got his start in the entertainment industry and his rise to stardom.
Click here to You Tube "My Side Of the Story"

Runs less than 3 minutes, well worth watching in this period of lockdown.

(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)

Robert Redford Talks Elvis: Seeing Elvis in 1956 truly affected the young Robert Redford. In Robert Redford The Biography, author Michael Feeney Callan provides a fascinating account of the acting legend seeing Elvis in Las Vegas in 1956:
During spring break in April 1955, Redford and five friends decided they’d visit their friend Wanda in Las Vegas. When they arrived, they learned that Elvis was in town.
“I’d already discovered black music with Big Jay McNeely at the Blue Sax in North Hollywood and made the blues-jazz connections, so I wanted to experience this Elvis thing,” says Redford. The Elvis show was a support act to Freddy Martin at the Frontier, a fancy supper club that Redford’s group couldn’t afford. “So I persuaded the guys to pool cash and we came up with $10, then charmed a waitress to let us dine on rolls while we watched the show.” From the moment Presley started with “Hound Dog”,
Redford was a convert. - “It was electrifying, a validation, to see these stuffed-shirt socialites who’d come to see Freddy Martin clamp up in reverence. I thought, Hey, a kid with nothing, from nowheresville, can do this!”
(News, Source: ElvisInfoNet)

Bono's  60 songs that saved his life: Sunday was the day that U2's Bono celebrated his 60th birthday.
He celebrated the day by thanking the artists who made him the musician he is today by posting a playlist of “60 Songs That Saved My Life.”
Bono’s playlist included one by ELVIS 'Heartbreak Hotel' - and one track from The Beatles 'I Want to Hold your Hand'.
Bono noted, “These are some of the songs that saved my life. The ones I couldn’t have lived without… the ones that got me from there to here, zero to 60… through all the scrapes, all manner of nuisance, from the serious to the silly… and the joy, mostly joy.”
Because the songs mean so much to him, Bono added that he will write a “fan letter to accompany each song to try and explain my fascination.”
The first six letters (posted on U2’s website) were written to Billie Eilish, David Bowie, Kraftwerk, Daft Punk, Luciano Pavarotti and Massive Attack.
David Bowie was the only artists with two songs in his list - 'Life on Mars?' and 'Heroes'.
Click here to U2 website if you want to know more
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Elvis' Personal Acetates: With Graceland closed director of archives Angie Marchese has been taking fans on tours showing areas that fans cannot usually visit.
In a recent tour (Inside The Archives Ep 5) we go inside our top-secret Archives facility exploring a box of Elvis' acetates, a type of record widely used from the 1930's to 1950's for special recording purposes like comparing different takes or getting preview copies into the hands of important disc jockeys.
One of the acetates Marchese pulls out is "Elvis Sings Motion Picture Title Songs" specially prepared for RCA by Colonel Parker.
This would presumably have been a double album release featuring the 24 Title Songs that Elvis recorded for his movies.
Side1 of the second LP takes us from Viva Las Vegas to Easy Come Easy Go
However on side two we see 'Little Darling' as the final song.
What Elvis movie was that from! - EIN thinks that this
was in fact a Col Parker "Unreleased 'Bonus Track" to be included in a 1975 RCA contract-filler compilation.
But we will never know as the album was never released.
Click here to EPE Facebook to see 'Elvis' Acetates' - runs 4 minutes.
There are over 2,000 personal acetates in Graceland archives.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)

UPDATED - ‘Elvis Reborn: New Mono to Stereo’ CD In-Depth Review: The publicity notes, "Hear 30 classic Elvis songs like you've never heard them before... in STEREO! These are NOT "overdubs". All of the sounds you hear are the original musicians backing Elvis, but with a clarity that exposes for the first time sounds you never heard before!"
The MONO vs STEREO debate is a fascinating discussion, so we need to get some facts straight before we investigated the possibilities of this new Elvis "Stereo" release.
The earliest recordings of the sound era were recorded in MONO with the singer and orchestra carefully positioned around one microphone. But even in Sun Studios it was actually Sam Phillips who created Elvis' classic mono recordings.
Elvis and the Blue Moon Boys were not playing "mono" - nor were they recorded via one microphone. So listening in "Fake Stereo" can fans really learn anything new about how some of these life-changing songs that Elvis recorded in the studio were created?
Is it truly possible that these "DES Stereo" versions actually sound better than their original classic mono vinyl releases?
- NOW UPDATED with YOUR Comments
EIN's Piers Beagley takes a detailed look into this new compilation and the "MONO vs STEREO" debate.
(CD Reviews, Source;PB/ElvisInformationNetwork) - Click HERE and join the 'Mono vs Stereo' debate!

'Home Is Where The Heart Is' New 45rpm Single: Denmark's Memphis Mansion are releasing a new 45rpm single 'Home Is Where The Heart Is'.
Backed with 'King Of The Whole Wide World' the single is printed on Red, White or Blue vinyl with only 100 copies of each.
These songs are Public Domain in Europe so it is not a bootleg.

This is a taster for a new album of the same name from the same label.

You can click here to Memphis Mansion DK to preorder

Priced at 235 DKK = 31.52 Euro for the three.


(News, Source;TS/ElvisInfoNet)

Extreme views about Elvis live on in 2020: We often forgot just how reviled Elvis was by many when he became a star in 1956. Apart from music critics, who didn’t understand the new youth (“jungle”) music, many religious leaders publicly decried Elvis’ sinful ways. And sadly- and unbelievably - extreme views are still held about Elvis in 2020, as this excerpt from a right-wing website attests:
... Elvis Presley spent his life glorifying sin and wickedness. His former wife claimed that Elvis likely would have become a preacher had he not died at such a young age. Elvis may have qualified to become a sinister minister, but not a Gospel preacher. Elvis Presley's life was a tragic existence in the eye's of decency and morality. Elvis lived a shameful life of wine, women, and song (of illegal drugs, whores, and devilish music). Elvis' life was prematurely cut short from an illegal drug overdoes. I sincerely doubt that Elvis was a true believer, but we know for certain that he was not of God. Many young Christians were sucked into Elvis's works of darkness because the record companies would add one Gospel song at the end of Elvis' albums. This was a deceitful act by the devil, a way for him to get a foot-in-the-door. The result was that millions of young believers became corrupted, desensitized to sin by Elvis' hellish music. Elvis spawned a whole generation of adulterers and rebels against God. Elvis was indeed God's enemy (James 4:4). Elvis was not the "king" of anything, except himself. Elvis was an unrepentant man who did much to hurt the cause of Christ. I say this not to be unkind, but to be honest. I realize that millions of people love Elvis, but it is just another indicator of the apostate times in which we live. Elvis' Gospel songs were overshadowed by his blatant and unrepentant love for sin.
God clearly says in Revelation 3:16 that He does NOT accept lukewarm Christianity..."So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."
Elvis spent the latter years of his life entertaining in "Sin City" Las Vegas (while singing a Gospel song here and there). This is not the Christianity which Jesus spoke of. Elvis was no Christian! So tragic! So sad! So wicke
(News, Source: jesus-is-savior.com) - CLICK HERE to send EIN your thoughts on this

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Loanne, Col Parker's widow, Has Died: Elvis Matters website confirm that Loanne Parker, widow of Colonel Parker, died Sunday May 10, in Las Vegas.

"Loanne was the beloved widow of the manager of Elvis Presley. Colonel Parker met her at the International Hotel in 1969 when they announced Elvis' first concerts at the hotel's showroom.
She has often defended the regular negative comments made against Col Parker including the fact that his manager stopped Elvis travelling overseas.
Loanne has always been a great support in the life of the Colonel. She was a friend of the house of ElvisMatters who just a few months ago were with her laughing, talking and she was beaming....
She will be missed very much. RIP Loanne."

(News, Source;ElvisMatters)

Loanne Parker interview: Back in 2004 Loanne Parker was interviewed for ETA radio where she spent a lengthy time discussing life, Elvis and the Colonel.
Loanne Parker was Col Parker's second wife. She was working as an RCA Records tour secretary a job she held until Elvis' death.
She married Col Parker in 1990 but their relationship went back to 1970.

She has often defended the regular negative comments made against Col Parker including the fact that his manager stopped Elvis travelling overseas, that Parker worked Elvis to death and also denied that Parker had any gambling debts..
Go here to this fascinating and controversial interview and read on ...

(Interviews, Source;ETA/ElvisInfoNet)

‘Elvis Reborn 2: More Mono to Stereo’ Promo Video: Just as EIN reviews the first DES "Mono to Stereo" release, producer Larry Jordan announces the follow-up release of 'Elvis Reborn Vol. 2 - More Mono To Stereo Mixes'. Once again this CD contains 30 stereo mixes of mono recordings created using the Digitally Extracted Stereo (DES) technique. It is OUT NOW.
In the review of "‘Elvis Reborn One" EIN questioned the failure to use the brilliant-in-stereo Heartbreak Hotel as the first track. Well, guess what track one is on the new release!

Tracklist: Heartbreak Hotel, Hound Dog, Teddy Bear, I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine, I Got A Woman, I'm Not The Marrying Kind, Baby Let's Play House, Treat Me Nice, Lover Doll, Ready Teddy, Don't Leave Me Now, Tryin' To Get To You, Shake Rattle And Roll, I'll Never Let You Go, Paralyzed, I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone, Party, I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You), Blueberry Hill, As Long As I Have You, I Want To Be Free, I Got Stung, All Shook Up, That's When Your Heartaches Begin, My Baby Left Me Too Much, I'm Counting On You, Lawdy Miss Clawdy, Have I Told You Lately That I Love You, Hard Headed Woman
Click here to YouTube and check out the STEREO promo

(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Three New 'Elvis One' CDs: The 'Elvis One' label have announced another three cds in their 'The Bootleg Series' releases. Once again all feature Public Domain material almost all of it readily available elsewhere.   
1: 'All Shook Up! - Across The Country 1957': A great collection of 1957 live performances, interviews and radio reports, including a little more complete version of the Ed Sullivan Show from January 6, including an extra announcement from Ed Sullivan and the end theme of the show. Also some very rare recordings from the midwest tour from March and the complete news report from Portland, Oregon, September 2. But there’s more to enjoy! Follow Elvis across the country in 1957...
2: 'The Man, The Legend, The Entertainer':  A collection of 31 tracks from the 1950's to the 1970's: including a rare RCA Victor radio spot from 1956 (previously unreleased on cd); some official previously unreleased outtakes; "No More" and "Almost Always True" with announcement from a German 10 inch promo record for "Blue Hawaii"; an interview excerpt from April 19, 1960 (for the first time on cd); some rare concert reports from the seventies, a special "happy birthday" from the audience (and band) to Elvis; and more...
3: 'The Elvis On Tour Recordings': On this Double-album you’ll hear all the Pierre Adidge and Robert Abel interviews for the movie ‘Elvis On Tour’ for the first time complete on one great new album, including two very intimate interviews with Elvis Presley, plus other recordings made for the movie that give us an unique insight into the private world of Elvis Presley. We’ve included the songs used for the 1950’s flashbacks in the movie, 2 original radio spots, some one-liners and more! An ultimate and important addition to the movie and all the known live recordings...  Including a 12-pages booklet with photos and recording information.
 (EIN Note: should really be titled 'The Elvis On Tour Interviews' as some purchasers will no doubt expect Elvis on-stage performances)
Go here to 'All The CD News 2020' for full tracklistings and details
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Sunday 10 May 2020
Little Richard Dead aged 87: Little Richard, one of the pioneers of the first wave of rock’n’roll, sadly died yesterday May 9th 2020. He was 87.
'Little Richard' real name Richard Penniman, had been in poor health for several years, suffering hip problems, a stroke and a heart attack.
Richard was a crucial founding father of rock & roll whose fervent shrieks, flamboyant garb, and joyful, gender-bending persona embodied the spirit and sound of that new art form.
Richard’s son, Danny Penniman confirmed the pioneer’s death.
Richard’s performing career began when he was in mid-teens, in the late 40s, but his early recordings with the RCA Victor label garnered little success.
The breakthrough came when he signed to Specialty Records in 1955, releasing a run of singles that were among the wildest and most flamboyant of the rock’n’roll era – Tutti Frutti, Long Tall Sally, Rip It Up, The Girl Can’t Help It, Lucille, Keep A-Knockin’ and Good Golly Miss Molly, among others – and that made him a star on both sides of the Atlantic.
He was known for his outrageous performance style, eyes lined with mascara, brightly coloured clothes, which was echoed later by Prince. He had been a drag performer before the rock’n’roll boom and by his own admission was involved in voyeurism and had been arrested at times.
Little Richard’s breakthrough single 'Tutti Frutti' was originally a song about sex, “If it don’t fit, don’t force it” he sang until the producer Bumps Blackwell suggested it be cleaned up. The song gave rock’n’roll its greatest nonsensical expression of joy, whose exact syllables are still debated: “Awopbopaloobopalopbamboom!
Elvis recorded Richard's songs, 'Tutti Frutti', 'Rip It Up', 'Long Tall Sally' and 'Ready Teddy' putting Little Richard's compositions into millions of white teenager's homes.
When Elvis first performed on national TV in early 1956 he chose to perform Little Richard's 'Tutti Frutti' a week before he finally decided to sing his own new single 'Heartbreak Hotel'.
Little Richard said of Elvis, "He was an integrator. Elvis was a blessing. They wouldn't let black music through. He opened the door for black music."
However in his Australian October 1957 tour, Little Richard saw a fireball crossing the sky (actually Sputnik 1 satellite) and took it as a sign from God that he needed to change his ways, and in 1958 he became a preacher, only to return to secular music in 1962. The conflict between God and the devil’s music was a theme for much of the rest of his life.
The Specialty singles exerted a profound influence on a later generation of musicians such as Paul McCartney and the Beatles who also performed Richard’s songs in concert.
McCartney noted, “I could do Little Richard’s voice, which is a wild, hoarse, screaming thing. It’s like an out-of-body experience. You have to actually go outside yourself.”
Unsurprisingly both David Bowie and Elton John who both copied Richard's flamboyant ways also acknowledged the impact of Little Richard..
"When I heard Little Richard, I mean, it just set my world on fire". - David Bowie
"I heard Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis, and that was it. I didn't ever want to be anything else." - Elton John
Other stars confirmed,
"Nobody could beat Little Richard's stage act. Little Richard is the originator and my first idol". - Mick Jagger
"The most exciting moment of my life was appearing on the same stage as Little Richard". - Keith Richards
Rather sadly, back in March 2020, the 'Last Man Standing' Jerry Lee Lewis revealed that "I talk with Richard occasionally. We talk about old times, and good times, and what's going on in our health. He's a good friend of mine."
In a statement today Lewis noted, “It is with a heavy heart that I ask for prayers for the family of my lifelong friend and fellow rocker Little Richard. He will live on always in my heart with his amazing talent and his friendship! He was one of a kind and I will miss him dearly.”
R.I.P Little Richard. December 5, 1932 - May 9, 2020
(News, Source;Various/ElvisInfoNet)- Click here for Little Richard doing a brilliant live 'Ready Teddy' 

Friday 8 May 2020


'ELVIS: Behind The Image' The Series: Bud Glass has announced.. 21 years after my original 1999 concept, I am proud to announce that "ELVIS: BEHIND THE IMAGE" is back! Coming soon is the first of many exciting episodes of a brand new, web-based video series that will premiere on YouTube.
This series is based on little known, and often times bizarre and unbelievably true accounts in Elvis' life that have not been fully been explored ... and NEVER like this before!
Elvis was a complex individual, and there are many pieces to the puzzle. No “one person” in Elvis' personal life, holds more than their one, exclusive piece to that puzzle. By carefully gathering, and examining each individual piece - only then does the puzzle start to take shape to reveal the real man... "behind the image".
This new series is the result of the incredible culmination of a lifetime of my personal research and collection. The source material is comprised of a wide variety of essential unique ingredients that include:
First hand, eye-witness accounts, that have been relayed to me over the past few decades; Rare 8mm video footage; unreleased audio; classic corresponding photos, documents and supporting material that establish the factual base to each episode.
Then, utilizing my work as an Elvis historian, book author, documentary producer and Elvis museum owner - I combined those key ingredients and add my personal spin in my own totally unique, often humorous narrative.
The end result is this fresh, modern presentation - delivered in exciting, bite-sized episodes.
Think you know the real Elvis?
You are about to cross over to the unexplored realm of Elvis' personal universe- that lies somewhere between unimaginable fame, and simple, mortal humanity.
Click here to www.elvisbehindtheimage.com - - You KNOW the Legend ... now meet the MAN!
Watch the brand new teaser video - then subscribe to be personally notified when the first episode drops! After that - fasten your seat belts… It’s about to get REAL!
(News, Source;BudGlass/ElvisInfoNet)

'Spinout on the Speedway' New Import CD: The CMT label suggest that this series needs no further introduction.
This time the producers decided to combine two movies for one release, since the original movie soundtracks were so short in running time.
Not only are most tracks "spliced" but a lot are also extended with different parts so most tracks sound very different.
If you own the previous releases like "Kissin Cousins, Viva Las Vegas and Fun in Acapulco" you will know what to expect
As always you will get a lot of value in this release since almost all sounds very different than usual without using fake remixes or overdubs
A card-sleeve edition
So sit back and relax, and leave the driving to Elvis!

Go here to 'All The CD News 2020' for full tracklistings


'Made In Memphis Vol.2' New Import CD: "Home Sweet Home", a new CD 'Made In Memphis Vol.2' in Deluxe Digipack
Some hard to find recordings recorded in Memphis Tennessee.
Includes live performances, informal recordings and some rare outtakes.
Just like the previous releases this one is "Meant to be played" and there are many nice and hard to find tracks on it for you to enjoy!
The set includes 6 alternate singles from all the sessions Elvis did in Memphis, plus recordings from 3 different concerts he gave at the Midsouth Colliseum.
Combined with some home recordings and informal tracks the set has just the right combination to be very different compared to other releases.
Go here to 'All The CD News 2020' for full tracklistings


'Houston, I'm Back Again' Deluxe VINYL Set: For the first time on vinyl both shows of Houston 4th & 5th of June 1975 and the AUDIENCE recording of the complete second Houston show included as a bonus.
As always the 'VV' label presents Elvis at the peak of his possibility and without a doubt, this double set presents Elvis still at his best. The June 1975 tour due to the RCA idea to record a live album gives us some incredible soundboard tapes, unfortunately, all more or less incomplete.
At the same time we are glad to include as bonus CD an unreleased Ambiance Recording of the complete concert of the second day in Houston. The sound is decent.
The tour presents Elvis still at the top of his rocker possibility, he delivers great shows with a great version of the up-tempo rockers Burning Love and his last single T.R.O.U.B.L.E.
Previously released on multiple bootlegs including
June 4 - The Eagle Has Landed / Goin' Back To Houston
June 5 - Howdy Houston / Goin' Back To Houston

Go here to 'All The CD News 2020' for Full Details
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Elvis: Stories Behind The Songs - Podcasts: Elvis super-fan and BBC Radio's Matt Shepherd's new book "Elvis Presley: Stories Behind The Songs Vol.2" has recently been published in Europe.
"Elvis Presley: Stories Behind The Songs Vol.2" will get a worldwide release in July.

For fans of podcasts and stories about Elvis' music Matt Shepherd has started to present as series of podcast's based on his 'Elvis Presley: Stories Behind The Songs' two books.

In the first podcast Matt Shepherd discuses Elvis' return-from-army 'Elvis Is Back' sessions.
CLICK HERE to SoundCloud to listen - It's Free.
Each segment runs around 10 minutes.


(News, Source;MattS/ElvisInfoNet)

Brian Wilson and Elvis - the Meeting: Elvis was in the spotlight most of his life. And over his lifetime there were always plenty of musicians meetings with Elvis that were just plain weird or funny. (Led Zeppelin, Petula Clark etc)
One of the more interesting was with another famous musician, Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.
On March 12, 1975 both Brian Wilson and Elvis Presley happened to be recording at the same Hollywood recording studio, RCA Studios. They were in rooms next to each other and didn’t know it until a mutual contact ran into Brian Wilson, who then proceeded to ask to be introduced to Elvis.
As Jerry Schilling describes, “This big, overweight, bearded guy came into the studio and went right up to Elvis and went, ‘Hi Elvis, I’m Brian’.
And Elvis was very upset with us thinking, ‘How did this guy get in here and who is he?’
So Brian said, ‘I’m recording next door. Would you come over and listen?’
And Elvis looked at us; it’s almost in spite of us since this guy had gotten through. He said, ‘Yeah, I’ll go over’.

There are a couple of versions of this story. Some are more amusing than others.
Account #1 - In the first version, Wilson goes into Elvis’ studio and says, “Elvis, could you come across the way and listen to what we’re doing.” Elvis isn’t all that excited, but agrees with a half-enthusiastic, “Sure.” Then, Wilson proceeds to karate chop Elvis’ arm. His reasoning was that Elvis knew karate so it would be a funny practical joke. But, his joke didn’t seem to land very well. Elvis Presley did, in fact, know karate. Because he did, when he was karate chopped he did what anyone in his position would do: he karate chopped Brian Wilson back, and hard. Immediately after he goes,  ‘I’m leaving! I’m leaving!” And that was it.
So, weird. The next one is my personal favorite, however. Although I’m slightly less inclined to believe that it happened. But, you, Rare reader, deserve to hear it.
Ckick here to see Brian Wilson talking about it   
Account #2 - The alternate account goes like this: It’s the same setting in 1975 and both musicians were at the same studio. In this story, Elvis shook Brian’s hand and called him a nickname, saying, “How you doing, Duke?” In this account, Wilson thought it would be fun to take it a bit further. He not only karate chops at The King of Rock ‘n Roll, but he also throws a kick in there too!! Elvis, feeling spry that day, blocked them both and told “Duke” not to do that. Moments later, after discussing music and Good Vibrations, there was a lull in the conversation so Wilson somehow decides to give the King another karate chop. With this, Elvis had reached his limit. He told “Dude” that he was worried about him and then left immediately.
Whichever story is true, they’re both funny and it’s great to imagine a colleague one of the biggest names in music so star struck that he does something wild and weird out of awkwardness.
(News, Source: MoriahGill, rare.us/ElvisInfoNet)

Unusual Elvis inspired book release – The Elvis Machine: Due for publication on 7 July, The Elvis Machine appears to be a very unusual Elvis related release [EIN note: and one which will likely alienate a number of Elvis fans]. Described as a book of poems inspired by living, loving, and hate-f**king in Memphis, Tennessee - a city still kissed with the 1950s. Forged in a dumpster fire of toxic Elvises, these poems are pornographic bad romances, psychedelic love dirges, and threnodies for sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll. They’ll make you laugh off the pain as much as you'll cry, cringe, and feel exposed in this 'No Boys Allowed' clubhouse of feminine rage and healing. Pre-publication reviews include:
"Kim Vodicka is the sexier Stephen Wright of poetry, with incisive one-liners so sharp and mind-blowingly funny that you forget how hard you were laughing before you started crying, then started laughing again." (John Skipp, author of The Art of Horrible People);
“Vodicka’s poetry is a seasick-sweet treasure trove of marvel. Her verses leave you yearning for the kind of love and life you know is bad for you, but you can’t stop reading. (Elle Nash, author of Animals Eat Each Other)
“Here is the uncanny valley girl, the B-movie queen, Kim Vodicka, delivering a prize fight of the sexes in poetry where every line is a punch line. This book is the seminal display of misogyny’s trauma, an unflinching exposé of toxic relationships, and an exquisitely honest portrayal of a woman’s most intimate bits. Vodicka peels us to the core. This is what raw feels like.” (Jeanette Powers, author of Dandylion Riot and founder of Stubborn Mule Press)
“The Elvis Machine is foaming at the mouth all over your pillow. Vodicka takes our balls and wears them like a teething necklace. Her wordplay is as bloody as it is brilliant. This is a love story dissected and displayed of its most vulnerable parts. Once again, she has managed to rock all my sensibilities.” (Kelsey Marie Harris, author of The Jolly Queef). Originally listed on Amazon and Goodreads but the Amazon listing appears to have disappeared
(News, Source: Amazon/Goodreads.com)

Amazon Deals on ELVIS Blu-rays - Beware of excessive prices at some Elvis dealers.
. . . .

The Elvis and Dorothy Show: EIN has received news of a new stage production based around Elvis.
Aaron Pacetine, the show’s producer, told EIN: We are producing a stage show that we are going to be premiering in Tennessee this summer.
For more information about this very unique show (starring Sage Spiker as Elvis) visit http://www.familyfilmsproductions.com/elvisdorothy.html

You can also see the link on our main page at FamilyFilmsProductions


(News, Source;FFP/ElvisInfoNet)

Sunday 3 May 2020
‘Elvis Reborn: New Mono to Stereo’ CD In-Depth Review: The publicity notes, "Hear 30 classic Elvis songs like you've never heard them before... in STEREO!
These are NOT "overdubs". All of the sounds you hear are the original musicians backing Elvis, but with a clarity that exposes for the first time sounds you never heard before!"

The MONO vs STEREO debate is a fascinating discussion, so we need to get some facts straight before we investigated the possibilities of this new Elvis "Stereo" release.
The earliest recordings of the sound era were recorded in MONO with the singer and orchestra carefully positioned around one microphone. But even in Sun Studios it was actually Sam Phillips who created Elvis' classic mono recordings.
Elvis and the Blue Moon Boys were not playing "mono" - nor were they recorded via one microphone.
So listening in "Fake Stereo" can fans really learn anything new about how some of these life-changing songs that Elvis recorded in the studio were created?
Is it truly possible that these "DES Stereo" versions actually sound better than their original classic mono vinyl releases?
EIN's Piers Beagley is open to new ideas that might reveal
something new and interesting about Elvis' classic recording sessions and so takes a detailed look into this new compilation and the "MONO vs STEREO" debate.
(CD Reviews, Source;PB/ElvisInformationNetwork) - Click HERE and join the 'Mono vs Stereo' debate!

‘Elvis Reborn 2: More Mono to Stereo’ New CD: Just as EIN reviews the first DES "Mono to Stereo" release, producer Larry Jordan announces the follow-up release of 'Elvis Reborn Vol. 2 - More Mono To Stereo Mixes'. Once again this CD contains 30 stereo mixes of mono recordings created using the Digitally Extracted Stereo (DES) technique.
In the review of "‘Elvis Reborn One" EIN questioned the failure to use the brilliant-in-stereo Heartbreak Hotel as the first track. Well, guess what track one is on the new release!
Tracklist: Heartbreak Hotel, Hound Dog, Teddy Bear, I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine, I Got A Woman, I'm Not The Marrying Kind, Baby Let's Play House, Treat Me Nice, Lover Doll, Ready Teddy, Don't Leave Me Now, Tryin' To Get To You, Shake Rattle And Roll, I'll Never Let You Go, Paralyzed, I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone, Party, I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You), Blueberry Hill, As Long As I Have You, I Want To Be Free, I Got Stung, All Shook Up, That's When Your Heartaches Begin, My Baby Left Me Too Much, I'm Counting On You, Lawdy Miss Clawdy, Have I Told You Lately That I Love You, Hard Headed Woman
To be released later this month
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

. . . .

New FTD Releases Still Delayed: The two new FTD releases are still delayed - for obvious work-place reasons in Europe - probably until mid May.
1. 'ELVIS: St. Louis & Spokane 1976' - Released as a 2 - CD 5” soundboard. 2. 'The Kid Galahad Sessions' -
This two CD set includes many remixed, remastered and UNRELEASED studio outtakes all in sensational audio quality.
Go here to 'Elvis FTD News 2020' for full tracklistings

Tupelo Elvis Festival 2020 goes Virtual!: Due to the COVID19 pandemic the annual Tupelo Elvis Festival that would normally take place in June has unfortuantely had to be cancelled.
But the celebrations of Tupelo's most-famous resident will continue with their switch to a "virtual gathering" once again creating a festival honoring the king of rock ‘n’ roll but this year On-Line.
“The health and safety of our patrons is most important, but we are excited to share our festival with the world” said Debbie Brangenberg executive director.
The annual fest honoring Tupelo-born Elvis Presley features performances from musicians,
gospel groups, and includes a competition to qualify for the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Contest held in Memphis.
Organizers are offering refunds for those who do not want to attend a virtual festival.
Click HERE to their Tupelo Elvis FB page for more info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Elvis Files Magazine #31 and Delays: The coronavirus lockdowns are affecting everyone as well as printing and distribution. Erik Lorentzen has now announced the cover of his next Elvis Files Magazine #31 while the previous issue has not yet been posted out due to production difficulties.

Lorentzen says that both the new Elvis Files Magazine #31 and the previous magazine will be posted out together - as soon as possible.

We are awaiting publication news of his 'Stay Away Joe / Speedway' Double Features book
See Preview pages here.




(News, Source;EL/ElvisInfoNet)

Elvis News from earlier this week ...

'INSIDE ELVIS' - Book Review: With the world in lockdown now is the perfect opportunity to invest time into some quality and thought provoking reading. 'Inside Elvis' by author Arjan Deelen might be just what the doctor ordered, with insightful interviews from key Elvis musicians such as James Burton, Scotty Moore, Jerry Scheff, Glen D. Hardin, Charlie Hodge, Bob Lanning, Jim Murray, Duke Bardwell and many more.
We can learn what was it like working with Elvis. What was it like being on the road day after day as the world’s most famous entertainer and it all helps us understand more about Elvis’ complicated life story.
The 300-page book also contains over 300 photographs from the collections of various high-profile collectors, and most of these are in color and razor-sharp.
The artwork of the book was done by graphic artist Michael van Werven, who has made it a visually stunning work.
Also included is a Bonus CD with 29-tracks containing various rarities.

EIN's Piers Beagley takes a break and enjoys soaking up time with Elvis and his friends. Go here for his review and check out some example pages along the way.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'From Elvis In Memphis' (book update): The Table of Contents for Eric Wolfson’s upcoming examination of Elvis’ seminal album, From Elvis In Memphis, has been released:
1. Prologue: From Elvis in Hell: June 1, 1967
2. The Cover: From Elvis in Hollywood
3. Side 1: From Elvis in Memphis
4. Interlude: From Elvis in Purgatory: February 17, 1969
5. Side 2: From Elvis in Memphis
6. Back Cover: From Elvis in Vegas
7. Epilogue: From Elvis in Paradise: November 1, 1969
More about the book - "I had to leave town for a little while--" with these words, Elvis Presley truly came home to rock and roll. A little over month earlier he had staged rock's first and greatest comeback in a television program, forever known as "The '68 Comeback Special." With this show, he resurrected himself--at the age of 33, no less--from the ashes of a career mired in lousy movies and even lousier soundtracks. So where to go from here?
Like a killer returning to the scene of the crime, Elvis came back home to Memphis, where it had all begun. Eschewing the fancier studios of Nashville and Hollywood, he set up shop at the ramshackle American Sound Studio, run by a maverick named Chips Moman with an in-house backing band simply known as "The Memphis Boys," and made the music of his life. The resulting work, From Elvis in Memphis, would be the finest studio album of his career, an explosion of mature confidence and fiery inspiration. It was the sound of Elvis--and, in turn, rock and roll--grappling with adulthood in a teenage music,
as sung by the person who shaped it more than anyone else. The book, which forms part of Bloomsbury’s popular 33 1/3 series, is due for release on 12 November.
(News, Source: Bloomsbury Academic)

From the archives- 'Elvis Presley draws 4,000 to Vets for his first Iowa show': A young man from Mississippi who is billed as America’s “only atomic-powered singer” spread a vast amount of rock-n-roll radiation over the spacious Veterans Memorial Auditorium crowd. A lot of the “fallout” from Elvis Aaron Presley’s “atomic” singing hit empty seats during his concert May 22, 1956, but the estimated 4,000 who were present – most of them teenagers – absorbed enough to keep them staring into space for the rest of the school term.

Seeing is believing - What happened when the 21-year-old Presley walked on the stage had to be seen to be believed. A mob of young people left their seats and swooped down to the edge of the stage. They stayed there throughout Presley’s 20-minute performance, though some had to sit on the cement floor because they were blocking the view of others. Presley, who is 6 feet tall and weighs 180 pounds, loped across the stage like a starved panther. Merely striding across the stage set off a loud chorus of screams. He grabbed the microphone and started to sing and squirm.

Things got worse in a hurry. As Presley staggered and jerked his way through “Heartbreak Hotel,” the shrieks and whistles of the crowd were so loud his voice could hardly be heard.

Flicks sideburns - He strummed his guitar a few times and flicked his long sideburns when he bolted his way through “Long Tall Sally.” He shook his shoulders and wiggled his hips. Every move brought more screams. Then Presley stepped to the microphone and said: “I dread to sing this next number because when I’m through I’ve just about had it. I’m just too popped to pop after singing it.” He swaggered his way through “Blue Suede Shoes” and the screams increased. For his last number Presley sang “Hound Dog” while he wrestled the microphone to the floor of the stage. As he knelt near the edge of the stage, many teenagers stretched out their hands to touch him.
Also on the bill were Rick Flaim and his 6-piece orchestra; singer Jackie Little; Irish tenor Frankie Connors; comedian-dancer Phil Maraquin; and the Jordanaires, a quartet of pretty fair singers.
(This review by Des Moines Register reporter Nick Lamberto was published the day after Elvis’ first concert in Iowa).

(News, Source: Des Moines Register online)

“Fake News” - Elvis’ Autopsy Report to be made public in 2027: Doing the Internet, UK Tabloids and social media rounds (again) is the story that Elvis’ autopsy report will be made public on the 50th anniversary of his death in 2027. A longstanding myth is that Vernon Presley requested in 1977 that it be sealed for 50 years (or that Tennessee law requires it be released after 50 years). Reports include: ‘As the 50th anniversary of Elvis’ death approaches, the years are counting down to the moment when the autopsy is unsealed. Fans and conspiracy theorists are awaiting the moment it’s released, with some believing it may hold details about how he died which might shed further light on the truth of the matter.’
However, this is “fake news”.

What will be released in 2027, under Tennessee law, is Elvis’ official death certificate.

Regarding the autopsy report, as Vernon Presley, and not the State of Tennessee, requested the autopsy, the report forms part of Elvis’ personal medical/health records and as such is a “private” document which belongs to the Presley family.
It is unlikely they will ever release it.

Right: The Medical Examiner's report - often described as 'Elvis Presley's Autopsy Report' which it is not.
(News, Source:ElvisInfoNet)

New “Kindle” book - 'The Elvis Interviews': Compiled by Peter Whitmer (author of The Inner Elvis: A Psychological Biography of Elvis Presley), this 85 page release is described as: Elvis' friends and co-workers speak.

From childhood in Tupelo, a college professor and a Psychiatrist; through Director Hal Kanter and actress Lizabeth Scott in Loving You; the Producer and impresario of the famed '68 Comeback Special, Steve Binder, and finally the man who 'opened' for Elvis' concert years, Jackie Kahane: in their own words, verbatim and unedited.




(News, Source: Amazon/ElvisInfoNet)

EIN Exclusives and News from earlier in April ...
Baz Luhrmann Talks ELVIS Biopic: Australian director Baz Luhrmann talked to Deadline magazine this week about his ELVIS biopic and the shock of Tom Hanks getting coronavirus.
Baz Luhrmann: So I was getting ready to begin shooting on that Monday, and I'm rehearsing the scene where we've built the Vegas showroom, and Tom as Col Parker, guides in Austin Butler as Elvis, and it's a scene where basically hundreds of girls are kissing Elvis, in a '70s show. Tom guides him through the crowd. All of a sudden I see my producer, Patrick McCormick on the set, and he had that look in his eyes and I thought, well this can't be good. You and the world knows what happened next. Tom and Rita handled it all so well, and we were so fortunate we had this direct connection with the head of infectious diseases,
because it was an immediate shutdown. Without getting into the Australia-U.S. comparison, when it comes to the health system, they are so robust here. They were right on it.
We immediately shut down that day. Everybody who was in the video practise footage and that included Austin and myself we were one hundred percent quarantined for 14 days, no contact with anybody. I was in my house and we were locked down entirely. A team turned up in hazmat suits and we were tested. We wouldn't have been immediately infectious - you have to see if you have symptoms - but poor Tom and Rita, they were in the hospital and we were locked down in quarantine. And it turned out we never had one more infection in the entire crew.
I was only four days out from shooting. I had built the Vegas showroom, the International which became the Hilton, and you know that famous scene where Elvis is playing that showroom?
We were rehearsing camera positioning, everything, and I'd done all the tests, Austin, Tom, and the whole cast was on fire. We were that close.

Q- It sure seems after seeing Austin Butler in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, you've caught hold of a terrific young actor...
Baz L: During the testing process, Austin Butler's commitment, his transformative abilities from the young Elvis to beyond, he had been playing so very well. He was terrific. There was such great energy and excitement in the cast and company, about the show we were about to shoot
Now we are making lateral plans but we will not get back into it until the end of the year, if all is going well. We've just been re-dated to NOVEMBER 2021 release. Anything can happen...

(News, Source;Deadline/ElvisInfoNet)

'Elvis Presley Collected' New Book: A new hardcover 112 page book by Michael A O'Neill.
The publicity promises... Follow the incredible story of the man they call the "King of Rock and Roll". Elvis Presley's life and career is shown from his care-free beginnings at Sun records in the 1950s to global superstardom. In addition the book features rare interviews with the legendary Elvis guitarist Scotty Moore, Drummer DJ Fontana and Elvis's loyal backing singers the Jordanaires.
To bring you even closer to the King the book features a wide variety of superb on the page rare memorabilia and documents from the archives covering Elvis' career including tour posters personal letters publicity material and fascinating items and tickets from his greatest gigs together with his best album covers.
- Michael O'Neill is a writer and actor who writes for historical documentaries and has written many best-selling books including a biography of Frank Sinatra. - - - (example pages below)
Published by Danann Books. Out on February 11, 2020.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Elvis, Bill Withers, Cyndi Lauper Oldies spike during pandemic:
When it comes to music everyone is feeling a bit nostalgic during the coronavirus pandemic.
During the first week of April, Spotify US says there was a 54% increase in nostalgia-themed playlists, with songs from the 1950s seeing the biggest increase in streams compared to the first week of March. Elvis Presley's 1957 hit "Jailhouse Rock" was the most-added song from that decade.
One of the most popular songs overall in the first week of the month was "Girls Just Want to Have Fun," Cyndi Lauper's 1983 hit, which had more than 2.3 million streams.
"Every artist's dream is that their music can be a sense of comfort, of joy, of inspiration," Lauper says on Spotify's blog. "That's why we do what we do; to connect, to tell shared stories that people can relate to, cry to, laugh with, dance to and to comfort."
Most-added songs to playlists by decade:
50s: "Jailhouse Rock"- Elvis Presley
60s: "At Last", Etta James
70s: "Ain't No Sunshine", Bill Withers
80s: "Take on Me", A-ha
90s: "Mambo No. 5", Lou Bega
00s: "I Gotta Feeling", Black Eyed Peas
Unsurprisingly other Elvis songs also taking off during the lockdown is 'Fever', 'Are You Lonesome Tonight' and 'In the Ghetto'. Another topical favourite is Al Green's 'Tired Of Being Alone'
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

'Elvis: In The Valley of The Sun' New JAT Book: Tunzi's JAT Productions are pleased to announce a new book focusing on Elvis' concert at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix Arizona on September 9, 1970 for the 50th Anniversary of this performance.
This marked the day that Elvis went back on the road as a touring performer for the first time since October 1957.
To celebrate the 50th Anniversary JAT are releasing 'Elvis Presley: In The Valley Of The Sun'.
The publication will include over 100 super rare and unpublished photos from the show, arriving in Phoenix, backstage and much more!
These photos are exclusive to JAT productions.
Also included is a CD featuring Chips Moman's last

ever interview also exclusive to JAT. - Plus Bonus free 'Throwback 2020 Pocket Calendar'.
All for US$99.95 (with free postage) - Go here for a preview youtubeclip
(News, Source;JAT/ElvisInfoNet)

Dick Grob Has Died: Memphis Mafia member and former Elvis bodyguard Dick Grob has died at his home in Las Vegas on Tuesday.
Melissa Grob recently posted the sad news...
"It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of Richard “Dick” Grob on April 22, 2020, in Las Vegas, Nevada. He passed peacefully at home, knowing he was immensely loved and surrounded by family.
Given current events, a small ceremony restricted to immediate family will be held. At a later date, we will announce a larger ceremony of life to celebrate his remarkable journey here on earth with the family and friends he loved so dearly. Thank you for your prayers and support.
At this time, we ask that you please respect our privacy as we work through this difficult time together as a family."
- Melissa.
... Dick Grob first met Elvis on May 1, 1967 the day of Elvis and Priscilla's wedding. "I met Elvis in Palm Springs California. He was just married in Las Vegas to Priscilla and they came to Palm Springs for their honeymoon. I was a policeman off duty at the time working special events. I was assigned to watch the house that Elvis was leasing and keep the crowds away. Elvis came out of the house, walked over to the police car where I was sitting, he introduced himself and asked if he could sit in the car. We listened to the police radio for about an hour and a half before he went back inside. As he left he told me if I wanted any more lemonade I should come into the house to get some... From the first time I met Elvis we were friends. Whenever he came to Palm Springs, which was often, he would always call me and I would go up to the house. I would talk with him as two friends would along with everyone else that was there...
See EIN's 2014 in-depth Interview with Dick Grob below
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
- - R.I.P. Richard “Dick” Grob - -

Dick Grob R.I.P. - Arjan Deelen's personal tribute:
In the Elvis World, a lot of people have an opinion of Dick Grob, and I guess some have found it easy to dismiss him as a flawed character. There have been stories over the years of certain dubious business dealings. I knew that well when I brought him over to Europe back in 2014. In fact, Dick himself was a bit apprehensive about coming to Europe, fearing certain fan reactions. But of course, it all went well, and the audiences loved him and his stories about EP. I must admit that I had my own prejudices about him, but he was a powerhouse on the tour. He was entertaining onstage, and he was kind, helpful and fun to be with on the road. He was clearly a guy who had seen and heard it all, and yet he was quite modest and easy to deal with. We all loved those moments where we’d all be relaxing, Dick with a glass of whiskey in his hand, telling one great story after the other. And he was a good
storyteller. He was very particular about details, and he would describe everything in such vivid detail, that it was almost like you were there with him, on the road with The King. Particularly touching were his stories about Elvis’ final moments.

Dick Grob was there 24/7 and he saw everything. And as Elvis’ world was collapsing, he was one of the few with the thankless task of trying to keeping things together. Grob did his job calmly and diligently, without ever ratting on his boss. Even after death. And Grob saw more ugly stuff than most. He also told me about the firing of the Wests in ’76 in a way that gave me a different perspective on the matter.

What I remember now mostly is his warmth and his kindness. Just the two of us together in a bar, having a few drinks, exchanging stories, talking

women, laughing… During those moments he was totally in his element, and just great company. He also reached out to me when I got divorced, and I still remember his wise words as well as the concern he showed for me and my family.

Three years ago, Dick and his wife Melissa invited me and my kids to his favorite Italian restaurant in Las Vegas, and we had a splendid time together. I remember him laughing as we said our goodbyes, because I was slightly tipsy by the end of the evening. Dick could drink a lot, and you’d never even notice.

For those that are easy to judge, just remember what Elvis sang about the subject (‘Walk A Mile In My Shoes’). Let’s just bury the bad stories together with the body, and remember the good stuff. All I can say is, I certainly enjoyed him and his very entertaining stories, I was impressed with him on the tour, and he showed great kindness to me and my family. Moreover, I think he did a good job of protecting the legacy of his former boss, TCB-ing to the very end.
R.I.P. Dick Grob.
Your loss will be felt in the Elvis World.

- Arjan Deelen

Top photo: Dick Grob, Stump Monroe and Duke Bardwell are reunited together for the first time in years - with Arjan Deelen.

Interview with Dick Grob, Elvis' Head Of Security: Some fans have very strong opinions about some Elvis associates such as Priscilla, Charlie Hodge and indeed Dick Grob. One can ask the question whether it is fair to judge these people like we sometimes do, since in reality we were not there – and yet they were.
Elvis’ life was pretty extraordinary, with many highs and lows, and one wonders how any of us would have coped with the stress, especially if you were responsible for the man’s safety.
In our special interview Dick Grob talks about Elvis as a friend and as a human being, life on the road, Aloha, Elvis’ fondness for the police, Ginger Alden, Elvis’ plans in ’77 for shows in Europe, Elvis’ decline and his death. Grob also discusses, Elvis’ reaction to a fan who said he should smoke marijuana to improve his music and his final conversation with Elvis in the very early morning of August 16, 1977.

Go here for this fascinating interview by EIN Contributors Arjan Deelen & Mariusz Ogieglo
(Interviews, Source;ArjanDeelen/MariuszOgieglo/ElvisInfoNet)

MRS 'Elvis: In Living Stereo' VINYL Tracklist: The Memphis Recording Service label has announced their forthcoming VINYL version of 'Elvis: In Living Stereo'.
The set features 61 tracks presented on 180gram quality 3LP / TRIPLE GATEFOLD and titled 'IN LIVING STEREO’.
To be released on 22nd May, 2020.
The 3 LPs contain remastered tracks of the Essential 1960- 1962 master recordings plus bonus rare alternate outtakes never before released on vinyl.

CLICK HERE for tracklist and details
With each side running around 24 minutes, from 'Make Me Know It' through 'Little Sister' to 'She's Not You' (Take 2FS & Comp) every vinyl side is a real belter!

This is a limited edition release is 1000 copies (600 Black and 400 Crystal Clear).
The clear vinyl will only be available from your local Elvis dealer and not from the main distribution channels such as Amazon etc.

Last year MRS released a 6-CD Book/Combo deluxe set. See EIN's In-depth Review here
(News, Source;MRS/ElvisInfoNet)

'Elvis: Live in California' May 1974 FTD Review: The most recent live soundboard 5” double-digipack FTD release which this time focused on Elvis' short Tour of California which went from May 10 to May 13 1974. CD1 features a combination of May 10 San Bernardino Opening Show / Fresno May 12 show while the second CD features May 13 San Bernardino Closing Show.
Best of all, these shows are previously unreleased soundboards.
In 1974 Elvis added the new songs 'Help Me', 'Let Me Be There' and ‘Why Me Lord’ to his set-list plus the old SUN classic ‘Trying To Get To You’ while on this tour Elvis added 'Big Boss Man' which he would then keep performing through to 1977. With 'Polk Salad', 'Steamroller Blues', 'Suspicious Minds', 'I Can't Stop Loving You' and 'An American Trilogy' also in the mix, the set-list was a truly solid selection.
With a mix of fifties oldies, classics hits, new material and some nice surprises fans would have truly enjoyed these shows.
Elvis soundboard super-collector Geoffrey McDonnell & EIN's Piers Beagley have a close look at this new FTD release .....
(FTD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

ELVIS song confirms Albert Einstein prediction: It does sound like conspiracy craziness however leading science researchers this week claim that "they had picked up vibrations from a cosmic collision that harmonized with the opening notes of an Elvis Presley hit".
The source was the most exotic merger of two black holes detected yet, a pair in which one weighed more than three times as much as the other. Because of the stark mass imbalance, the collision generated gravitational waves at multiple frequencies, in a 'I Can’t Help Falling in Love' Elvis harmony. The chord also confirms a prediction of Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity, or general relativity.
If the black holes have distinctly different masses, then general relativity predicts that they should

also generate weaker waves at higher frequencies, or overtones.
If the main frequency were a C on a piano, the overtone would be the next higher G a perfect fifth, and the interval of the first two notes in the melody of Elvis' hit “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You.” That is what the LIGO and Virgo researchers detected, says Maximiliano Isi, a physicist and LIGO member at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who also spoke at the meeting. The overtone rang roughly as loudly as predicted by general relativity, Isi says. “Einstein prevails again.”
Such oddball events might help researchers figure out how the black holes pair in the first place.
The fact that the one black hole is so much heavier than the other and appears to be spinning fast suggest that it, too, was the product of a merger. “It looks quiet like the product of a multiple-generation merger,” he says.

The fact that ELVIS is involved in outta-space activity only goes to prove that - as noted in the movie 'The Men In Black'- "Elvis is not dead. He just went home."

(News, Source;ScienceMag.org/ElvisInfoNet)

Graceland Upstairs: The recent Graceland video / Q&A with director of archives Angie Marchese revealed some secrets about the off-limits upstairs. The recent videos and Q&A have included areas that fans cannot usually visit on their Graceland tours.
When Angie Marchese was recently asked, “Can we see upstairs? Does it look the same as when Elvis was here?”
Marchese explained, “The one thing about Graceland and its mystique is the upstairs and the fact that it was Elvis’ private area.
It looks as if he just got up and left.
It is part of my job to maintain it. So we do go up there to maintain the space.
The record on the record player is the last record he listened to.
There’s even a styro-foam cup that sits on a bookshelf.
Elvis' bed is made, so we really maintain it the way that Lisa wants us to preserve it.
However it is off-limits, a personal space, so unfortunately, we can’t see it, but it is taken care of
Later pointing out the stairs near the kitchen.
Marchese explained, “These stairs here actually lead up to the main landing, which would take you to Elvis’ bedroom.
And this is how Elvis would come down to the kitchen.
He would come down these stairs and come and make himself at home here in the kitchen.”

As it stands Graceland is set to reopen to the public on May 1.
However the temporary closure could well be extended due to the lockdown across the US.
Click to Graceland videos to watch more with Angie Marchese
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)

Knox Phillips Dead at 74: His father, SUN Records founder Sam Phillips, towered above Memphis' creative edge but Knox Phillips would later also find a way to bring his own influence to the Memphis music scene. For six decades Knox was a creative presence as an engineer, producer, studio owner, community organizer and unwavering supporter of original artistry.
Knox Phillips sadly died, Wednesday, at his home at the age of 74. The Memphis Music Hall of Famer had battled cancer and related complications for many years. (Right, with Elvis and his brother Jerry)
The oldest of Sam and Becky Phillips' two boys, Knox was born in Memphis in 1945.
His passing comes less than a week after the death of his good friend, singer-songwriter John Prine, whose 1979 album “Pink Cadillac,” he co-produced.
With his mane of golden hair and irrepressible energy, Knox was a distinctive and much beloved figure in his hometown.
Elvis, and Sam Phillips, biographer Peter Guralnick noted, “I don’t think anyone was more passionate about Memphis music or had greater faith that it was always going to endure. He inherited so much from Sam, his eloquence and also his loquaciousness. But he also very much struck out on his own. He had a fundamental kindness and decency and an outreach that everybody that’s passed through Memphis in the last half century couldn’t help be aware of, or touched by."
“He was the ultimate Memphis music lover,” said his younger brother, Jerry Phillips. “He was a real advocate for Memphis and thought Memphis and Memphians made the greatest music.”
Growing up the son of Sam Phillips might have been a millstone for some, but Knox relished his father’s achievements and flourished in carrying on the family tradition. Being Sam’s son, that is not the easiest thing in the world, but Knox was able to thrive because he was genuine and real. There was nothing phony about his enthusiasms or the charge he was trying to lead.
"As a little kid, I watched my father just knock himself out for something that he totally believed in," Knox told The Commercial Appeal, "He loved that music so much, he thought, 'If I can just get it out there then people will love it as much as I do.' That enthusiasm and belief always stuck with me."
Knox recalled seeing the Prisonaires record at Sun under the watchful eye of armed guards, and playing spaceship in Ike Turner's tour bus, with "Rocket 88" painted on the side.
(News, Source;MCommAppeal/ElvisInfoNet)

Sunday 12 April 2020 - - - - EASTER GREETINGS from Elvis Presley! - - - -

James Drury (Love Me Tender) Dead at 85: James Drury who was most well-known as the the mysterious, nameless title character on the 1960s NBC Western The Virginian, died last Monday of natural causes. He was 85.
For Elvis fans he was a co-star of Elvis' first movie 'Love Me Tender' playing his younger brother, Ray Reno.
Coincidentally he also supported Pat Boone in his movie debut Bernardine (1957).
Preparing for his most famous role, Drury appeared in several Westerns on the big screen, including Good Day for a Hanging (1959) with Fred MacMurray, Ten Who Dared (1960) at Disney and Sam Peckinpah's Ride the High Country (1962), working opposite Randolph Scott and Joel McCrea (who starred in the 1946 film The Virginian).
The Virginian was TV’s first 90-minute Western and ended up being one of its longest running and enduring, airing nearly 250 episodes from 1962-71.
Drury’s character never revealed his real name as he “forced his idea of law and order on a Wyoming Territory community in the 1890s.”
James Drury was born April 18, 1934, in New York City, however and he spent most of his younger days on one of his Mother's family ranches outside Salem.
His maternal grandfather, John Crawford, taught him woodsman skills and marksmanship and instilled in him the values that Drury said he brought to his Virginian character.
Drury described it as "'The Cowboy Way -If it's not true, don't say it. If it's not yours, don't take it. And if it's not right, don't do it."
James Drury noted, "Elvis was just such a fine, polite, eager young man at that time. I thought he was extremely effective in Love Me Tender. He played a real flesh and blood character in that movie and he did a very good job of it. Of course when we started the picture we had no idea who Elvis was but when we finished the movie we certainly found out who Elvis was - and from then on he became such an enormous international star! Elvis was a good man and I enjoyed working with him. Throughout the rest of his life if I'd be in a town where he was doing a concert I'd go and see it even without telling him.. But he'd always know I was there and ask me to come backstage and visit with him, and we did sometimes for hours at a time. Elvis was a great guy and I am happy to say he was a great friend"
(News, Source;AP/ElvisInfoNet)

(Book Review) Elvis March 7 to March 31: Paul Belard’s latest photobook focuses on the 25 days following Elvis’ discharge from the Army up to and including his important appearance on the Frank Sinatra Timex “Welcome Home Elvis” TV Special.

Over more than 200 pages, the author has compiled an impressive collection of images and rich archival material.

Read EIN’s detailed review


(Book Review, Source: ElvisInfoNet)  

Guy Harris, friend of Elvis in Tupelo has died: One of Elvis Presley's childhood friends and Tupelo native, Guy Harris, has died. Harris died on Monday. He was also a historian at the Elvis Presley Birthplace in Tupelo. Harris never turned down an opportunity to talk about his friend, Elvis. Mayor Jason Shelton said, "We are all deeply saddened by the loss of our dear friend Mr. Guy Harris. As a lifelong friend of Elvis Presley, his insight was invaluable at the Birthplace here in Tupelo. We will greatly miss his stories as told to Elvis fans from all over the world right here where it all began." Harris was also a retired Tupelo Police captain.
No word yet on funeral arrangements.
For his book, Early Elvis The Tupelo Years, Memphis journalist and EIN contributor, the late Bill E. Burk, interviewed Mr. Harris, who stated: “My first memories of Elvis, we were just all playing together. Us, the Farrars, the Clarks and Elvis. We were not allowed out of the neighbourhood. Our parents knew where we were at all times. They had set (geographical) boundaries for us. We couldn’t go across the highway....We weren’t supposed to go down to the creek, either, but we always found a way to get off and get down there.”
Photo by Paul Gansky:Guy Harris with EIN contributor Joan Gansky, Birthplace Museum October 11th, 2019.
(News, Source:The Elvis Newspage –TCOTOE; Early Elvis The Tupelo Years/PaulGansky)

Elvis and The Beatles: The UK tabloids continue to mine the Elvis legend, sadly with tons of annoying click-bait. Recently they commented on the infamous meeting between Elvis and The Beatles.
....Elvis Presley met The Beatles during their 1965 US tour. As Beatlemania kicked up a gear, the Fab Four took time out of their wild schedule to sit down with their idol, the great King of Rock ’n’ Roll at his home, Graceland. (EIN Notes, it was NOT Graceland!)
John Lennon revealed an incredible fact that Paul McCartney actually offered Elvis some bass guitar tips during their meeting.
Lennon noted how many of the greats wanted to come and meet them when they toured the US in 1965.
He said, however, that they weren’t too bothered about seeing the likes of Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra because they didn’t think they “really liked us or our music”.
It was different with Presley, though, of whom Lennon was a lifelong fan.
“It was a real thrill to get to meet Elvis, especially to play with him.”
Recalling something he said to the King upon that first and only meeting, Lennon added: “Because we were
both Peter Sellers fans, I remember saying to him, ‘Zis is ze way it should be. Ze small homey gathering wiz a few friends and a leetle music!’”
The Beatle said he knew his bandmates McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison were all feeling as nervous as he was when they arrived at his LA home and were greeted by their idol.
“He was a legend in his own lifetime, and it’s never easy meeting a legend in his own lifetime, however, Elvis tried to make us feel at home.”
However once settled down the room remained silent with Elvis eventually breaking the ice by joking: “Look, guys, if you’re just going to sit there an stare at me, I’m going to bed.”
He then proposed they jam a little, instructing one of his staff to bring some guitars into the room.
Lennon revealed how Presley had ended up with a bass guitar, while he took a rhythm guitar.
“Elvis obviously wasn’t that familiar with his instrument,” he said.
At this point, the star recalled his bandmate McCartney stepping in to give the King some quick tips.
So Paul gave him some instructions,” he said.
“‘Here’s how I play the bass,’” Elvis said, strumming a few chords, ‘It’s not too good, but I’m practising.’”
Beatles press officer Tony Barrow also revealed an awkward jibe Lennon had made at the expense of Presley.
“John asked what had happened to the old rock ’n’ roll Elvis, who at that point was mainly singing the soundtracks to his films. “He was joking but he meant it,” he added.
Though Presley reportedly laughed off the comment, the atmosphere was somewhat cold after that.

See EIN's Spotlight 'Elvis Meet The Beatles' for more factually correct stories!
(News, Source;UKExpress/ElvisInfoNet)

‘Elvis: That’s the Way It Is’ CINEMA Rescheduled to AUGUST 13: Trafalgar Releasing has announced the cinema re-release for “Elvis: That’s the Way It Is” - originally planned for April 22 worldwide - has now been rescheduled to AUGUST 13. .
The event will mark the 50th anniversary of the film’s original release by MGM. Most of the remastered footage was shot at the International Hotel in Las Vegas with songs including “Love Me Tender,” “Sweet Caroline,” “Heartbreak Hotel” and “Suspicious Minds.”
The film was directed by Denis Sanders.
On July 31, 1969, in Las Vegas Elvis Presley staged a triumphant return to the concert stage from which he had been absent for almost a decade.
Elvis' series of concerts broke all box office records and completely re-energised the career of the King of Rock 'n' Roll.
The film followed Elvis’s summer festival in Las Vegas during August 1970. An unmissable event for fans around the world. Elvis: That’s The Way It Is will be shown in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Germany and Austria.
Also, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Australia and New Zealand. Go HERE to the TTWII website to BOOK LOCAL CINEMA TICKETS & for all the details - (News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Elvis' Movies Rated! Earlier this week EIN suggested a way of enjoying the COVID19 lockdown was by watching one Elvis movie every single day. By the second time round the Lockdown will hopefully be gone if Wuhan's example in China can be replicated. It must be added that EIN is not suggesting that the 11 million people of Wuhan watched Elvis' movies twice during their lockdown, but what a fascinating experiment that would have been!
Elvis' 1950s movies are all respected by Elvis fans with King Creole often recognised as his best directed performance.
Elvis super-fan Roger Mogstad has posted his list of favourite Elvis films in a neat youtube clip.
He has rated them (as noted below) with King Creole, Jailhouse Rock, Change of Habit, Follow That Dream and Flaming Star as his top-five
In the past EIN's Nigel Patterson has discussed, "Why is it OK to openly enjoy an Elvis movie?"
... It is important to recognise that there is actually much to like about many Elvis films and the myth they are not good movies and were universally panned is actually incorrect. if you read the film reviews of the day you find that at least some major critics, while maybe not effusive in their praise, nevertheless recognised positive and enjoyable aspects in Elvis films.
Blue Hawaii has to be rated highly in the sense that is a very enjoyable film experience and of course it was the template for subsequent "Presley travelogues" and simply the most perfect of them all with its cool narrative, vibrantly colorful location, attractive cast, wonderful music and of course, Elvis.
From a film technical perspective, King Creole stands out with its visual style, use of long and close up shots, framing - I could go on. The Trouble With Girls was also neatly filmed with some great camera work.
Like art criticism, the problem with film criticism is that it is an intrinsically subjective and biased endeavour. For example, Tickle Me may have low production values and be derided by critics, but for many fans its wonderful mix of comedy and very strong music soundtrack make it a very enjoyable film to watch! So while a film may exhibit low production values it can still have value (an enjoyable viewing experience) for some or many viewers. That begs consideration of the different form 'value' can take in a film.
I am also a big fan of the 3rd period in Elvis' film career, the late 60s films when they gave Elvis an adult makeover. Despite its initial panning, Charro is more than a half-decent spaghetti western (a pity they censored the nudity and violence in it), Stay Away, Joe may be politically incorrect but is loads of fun to watch, Live A Little, Love A Little - my goodness Elvis is in bed with a woman! - an underrated, fun and funny sex farce, The Trouble With Girls a cumbersome title but a well-produced and costumed period piece albeit with slow narrative, and Change of Habit, now quite dated, but at the time a not unreasonable, if somewhat flawed attempt at socially aware drama.
So, why is it OK to openly enjoy an Elvis movie? Quite simply because they were, and continue to be, fun!! They contain a good balance of story, music, attractive locations, engaging characters, glorious color, and of course, plenty of Elvis! Even those Elvis films with scant musical content may not be Oscar candidates but are generally well made productions, clever and enjoyable to watch.

Elvis films can (unfortunately not all of them - Paradise, Hawaiian Style being my pick as the worst of them) brighten one's day! (from Nigel Patterson's interview with The Memphis Flash)
Click here to 'EIN presents a look at Elvis' 31 narrative films in chronological order.'
Click here for 'Elvis' Best Movie Performances' by Harley Payette
(News, Source;NP/EIN) - Thanks to Joan Gansky for the word-up. Click here and send us your comments
1.  King Creole
2.  Jailhouse Rock
3.  Change of Habit
4.  Follow That Dream
5.  Flaming Star
6.  Charro
7.  Wild In The Country
8.  Kid Galahad
9.  Loving You
10.  Roustabout
11.  Love Me Tender
12.  Viva Las Vegas
13.  Stay Away, Joe
14.  Blue Hawaii
15.  G.I. Blues
16.  Live A Little, Love A Little
17.  It Happened at the World's Fair
18.  Tickle Me
19.  Fun In Acapulco
20.  Clambake
21.  The Trouble With Girls
22.  Girls! Girls! Girls!
23.  Harum Scarum
24.  Speedway
25.  Frankie and Johnny
26.  Girl Happy
27.  Double Trouble
28.  Spinout
29.  Kissin' Cousins
30.  Paradise, Hawaiian Style
31.  Easy Come, Easy Go

Survive Corona-Fever with Elvis; While there can be no ignoring the terrible situation we all find ourselves in, can it possibly be a coincidence that the original Wuhan epidemic faded after 62 days.
"Everybody's got the fever, That is something you all know. Fever isn't such a new thing, Fever started long ago"
ELVIS released 62 albums in his lifetime, stared in 31 films, while FTD have released sixty-two concerts on soundboards and FTD / Elvis Files and BoxCar have together published 62 deluxe ELVIS photo-books.
So, YES, we can all get through this lock-down period with a little help from Elvis.
The medical community have provided suggestions as to how to keep focused and enjoy these difficult times.
- Have a routine to keep you happy and occupied
a) Listen to each of Elvis' albums, one per day. If you have the FTD "Classic Album" versions this will be a double CD and occupy you for almost three hours.
b) Watch one Elvis movie per day - another 90 minutes (if it lasts 62 days you will have seen every film twice)
c) Listen to two Elvis Concerts on soundboard.
d) Thoroughly read through one FTD / Elvis Files / BoxCar deluxe book - another 90 minutes well spent.

That easily occupies SEVEN hours with ELVIS every single day!
Once you have "walked the dog" and done some cleaning and shopping your day will be nearly done.

As the mental health websites explain, we need to....
1. Find a project - That's ELVIS
2. Practice gratitude for the things we have and do - That's ELVIS
3. Meditation / Relax / Enjoy to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety - That's ELVIS
4. Maintain your social connections - That's all your ELVIS fan club friends.

In all seriousness, everyone here should be happy that you are part of this GREAT Elvis World.
Please Keep Happy and Safe  - and wash those hands.

EIN wishes Good Health and Happiness to all our readers

(News, Source,ElvisInfoNet)

'Speedway / Stay Away Joe' Book PREVIEW: The book features hundreds of movie and "Behind The Scenes" previously unpublished images.
PRE ORDER NOW! and get a free Awesome Poster with your order Coming Soon from The Elvis Files Team
Double Features - Speedway & Stay Away, Joe
It's Not About The Two Movies
It's About Elvis Behind The Scenes.
With Hundreds of New and Unseen Photos.
All from Photographers Negatives and Slides.

To order -
Send € 110 (includes shipping with DHLEXPRESS) by PayPal to: sales@elvisfiles.no And as always, we promise to keep our promises to you regarding unseen photos. CLICK HERE to see Sneak-Peak PREVIEW PAGES - plus the sensational Free Poster

(News, Source:EL/ElvisInfoNet)

'Inside Elvis' - Arjan Deelen Interview: The new book 'Inside Elvis' from Elvis One / Rock Legends publications features Arjan Deelen's interviews with Elvis' musicians including James Burton, Bob Lanning, Scotty Moore, Jim Murray, Jerry Scheff, D.J. Fontana, The Sweet Inspirations, The Holladay Sisters, Glen D. Hardin, Johnny Christopher, Charlie Hodge, Duke Bardwell, Sherril Nielsen and The Imperials. While some of these interviews first appeared in Elvis - The Man and his Music here all these in-depth, candid interviews are presented in complete, unedited form and matched with some exclusive images.
This 300-page book contains over 300 photographs from the collections of various high-profile collectors, and most of these are in color and razor-sharp. The artwork of the book was done by graphic artist Michael van Werven, who has made it a visually stunning work.
Also included is a Bonus CD with 29-tracks containing various rarities.
'INSIDE ELVIS' seems to have slipped out rather quietly, perhaps with less fanfare than it deserved. It has been almost a decade since Arjan Deelen's last book and EIN readers have wanted to know more about this new publication.
In this exclusive EIN interview Arjan Deelen reveals some fascinating stories, as well as some truly touching moments.

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley asks the questions
(Interview, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Elvis Week Tickets On Sale Now: Elvis fans can start making plans to return to the Promised Land for Elvis Week 2020!
The Elvis Week 2020 line-up includes A concert celebrating the 50th anniversary of Elvis’ Nashville Marathon Sessions at RCA’s Studio B with musicians James Burton, Norbert Putnam and David Briggs;
Elvis TTWII 50th Anniv Enhanced Screening celebrating Elvis’ 1970 documentary with appearances by members of the TCB Band and Elvis’ Imperials;
Conversations on Elvis with special guests Mother Dolores Hart, Sam Thompson, Charles Stone and former member of the Stamps Larry Strickland;
Elvis Gospel Homecoming featuring gospel groups with special Elvis connections, including former members of J.D. Sumner and The Stamps – Donnie Sumner, Ed Hill and Larry Strickland & Terry Blackwood and The Imperials;
Elvis in 1970 Conversations to celebrate Elvis’ Nashville Marathon Sessions and “Elvis: That’s The Way It Is” documentary through stories and memories from those who were there.

It also features the usual Elvis Imitator stuff like Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest 2020. Ultimate ETA winners Shawn Klush, Dean Z, Jay Dupuis, Cody Ray Slaughter, Taylor Rodriguez and Ben Thompson will return.
Get tickets now at ElvisWeek.com if you can afford them - see article below
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Priscilla Pushes to increase EPE Revenue: After the recent Rolling Stone article on future ELVIS EPE plans (see below),  The Blast comments...
.. Elvis Presley's ex, Priscilla has been a busy woman over the past several months. Priscilla has been working every angle and idea possible to boost the income for the Presley estate. ABG have been pumping out idea after idea on some major new Elvis Presley projects.
(EIN actually suspects Graceland COO Joel Weinshanker's major involvement here)
If you can name it then there is likely a product version for the Elvis Presley brand or one in the making. Just a few new Presley projects that are in the works include an Elvis Snapchat filter, a soon to be released Elvis favorite pets DVD and CBD infused Hound Dog treats for your pooch.
Those are just the tip of the iceberg in upcoming merch featuring the late King of Rock and Roll.
Priscilla shares her input on all things Elvis related. With an Elvis cartoon series underway for Netflix, the plan is to make Elvis gain in popularity with the younger crowds. It is going to be a very aggressive push. To date, the estate is estimated to be worth around $400 million.
For fans who make their travel and vacation plans around Elvis events Memphis you had better start saving up a little more cash because ticket prices to tour Graceland are rising.
The 2020 Elvis Week tickets offer several packages. The first the Limited Platinum Package costs $1600, while the Gold Package is $655. The Guest House Theatre Concert Package will cost you $121.
Fans have noted that ticket prices continue to rise and with Priscilla at the helm there are now numerous events and memorabilia museums of your choice. At the rate the events and new attractions are unfolding it seems that EPE is turning Presley's once-beloved mansion into a major entertainment park.
While some fans are thrilled with the opportunity to tour and participate in everything Elvis, many others are not too happy with the price increases.
(News, Source;TheBlast/ElvisInfoNet)

The plan to "reboot" Elvis ....and a 50th Anniversary boxset: With earnings declining over the past decade, the company responsible for licensing and marketing Elvis has big plans to make the King "cool" again. This fascinating article in Rolling Stone should be read by all fans. Here is an excerpt:

Elvis Presley may have died 43 years ago, but on a recent morning in midtown New York, plans are underway to resurrect him. In a conference room in the offices of Authentic Brands Group, the firm in charge of licensing and marketing Presley, executives are discussing the many projects they’ve been working on since taking over the estate in 2013.

There’s an Elvis filter on Snapchat, which gives you his face, pompadour, and bedazzled jacket. There’s a plan to release a video of Elvis and all of his beloved animals on the Dodo, a popular pet site (you will also be able to buy CBD-infused Hound Dog treats). There are film and TV projects, including Agent King, an offbeat animated series coming to Netflix next year. Co-created by Priscilla Presley, the show will aim for a BoJack Horseman feel, where a cartoon Elvis goes undercover as a crime-busting government spy. At the head of the table, CEO Jamie Salter confidently promises that next year will be “probably the biggest year in the history of Elvis Presley.”
 These plans are all part of a major effort to make Presley cool again. More than 60 years after his first momentous sessions at Sun Records, his empire is in need of a reboot. While the Presley estate was annually pulling in $60 million a decade ago, that number has since fallen by 30 per cent, according to Forbes. Sales of memorabilia dropped from nearly $4 million in 2017 to less than $1.5 million last year, according to Invaluable, which tracks auction houses. This winter’s Elvis: Seen and Unseen tour, featuring surviving members of his TCB band playing along to video footage of Presley, was postponed, for the second time, due to “unforeseen circumstances” with the archival footage. According to The Guardian, a 2017 U.K. poll found that nearly 30 per cent of respondents ages 18 to 24 had never heard one of Presley’s songs. 

Given that Presley was one of the first rock stars, the campaign to bring him back amounts to what one music executive calls a “canary in the coal mine” for the legacy of rock & roll. Can it possibly work, and what does it mean for the future careers and earnings of artists like the Beatles, Rolling Stones, and Bob Dylan, who followed Presley and who are now increasingly distant legends for those who grew up listening to hip-hop, pop, and EDM?

There are reasons for concern. Jeff Jampol, who represents the estates of Janis Joplin and the Ramones and also works with the surviving members and estates of the Doors, recalls a recent dinner with friends in their thirties and forties. "I said. "I'm going to the restroom now, and when I come back, I want the title of three Beatle songs, and you can't use your phones," he recalls. Upon his return, they told him they'd come up with one: "Daydream Believer," a hit by ... the Monkees. "That's where we are with the Beatles," Jampol sighs. "imagine where we are for anybody else."

In an office at Sony, Jackson is at work on a box set documenting the 50th anniversary of three intense days of 1970 Presley sessions, and he’s also in the midst of supplying master tapes for Luhrmann’s biopic. “There’s been no more beautiful of a human being than that, right there,” he says, pointing to a box set with a photo of peak Fifties Presley on its cover. “It needs to remind people that, ‘Look, that guy existed once." (Article, Source: Rolling Stone)

 Read (a lot more) in the full article.....

......including targeting the younger market, ticket prices, the unsuccessful attempt to move from low price Elvis trinkets to up market clothing, Agent King, an Elvis hologram (digital Elvis), streaming Elvis songs, and a desire for more dance remixes like Junkie XL's global mega hit, A Little Less Conversation

CD Review - Elvis Presley 1968 The Unreleased Recordings (Elvis One): Kees Mouwen, author of Elvis Day By Day 2019 and administrator of the Elvis Day By Day blog recently took time out to listen to and review the latest CD release in the Bootleg series from the Elvis One label.Is the latest volume in Elvis One's "Bootleg" series worth a spin? And is Elvis One treading a dangerous line

To find out, read Kees' review

(CD Reviews; Source;KM/ElvisInfoNet)

Elvis Week 2020 Announced: Graceland has announced the initial plans for Elvis Week 2020 which will mark the 43rd anniv of Elvis’ passing.
The cornerstone event, the CANDLELIGHT VIGIL, will begin on Saturday, August 15, at Graceland’s front gate. Elvis music sets the tone of the evening as fans walk up the driveway to the Meditation Garden.
New this year, an exclusive  DOWN IN THE JUNGLE ROOM EXPERIENCE will allow a small group of fans to step into the Jungle Room with some of the musicians who were there for Elvis’ 1976 recording sessions and hear their stories of what it was like to record with Elvis there. Special guests include guitarist James Burton, piano player David Briggs, drummer Ronnie Tutt and bassist Norbert Putnam. In addition guests will enjoy a rare photo opportunity inside the Jungle Room with Elvis' musicians.
The Elvis Week 2020 line-up also includes
- NASHVILLE MARATHON SESSIONS 50th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT celebrating the 50th anniversary of Elvis’ Nashville Marathon Sessions at RCA’s Studio B with musicians James Burton, Norbert Putnam and David Briggs;
- ELVIS: THAT’S THE WAY IT IS 50th ANNIVERSARY ENHANCED SCREENING celebrating Elvis’ 1970 documentary with appearances by members of the TCB Band and Elvis’ Imperials;
- The GRACELAND ELITE AUCTION featuring 30 to 40 of some of the most sought-after Elvis collectibles. Included in this auction will be 10 unforgettable Graceland and Elvis Experiences, benefitting the Elvis Presley Charitable Foundation.
- CONVERSATIONS ON ELVIS with special guests Mother Dolores Hart, who co-starred with Elvis in “King Creole” and “Loving You”; Sam Thompson, Elvis’ bodyguard; Charles Stone, who worked closely with the Colonel on Elvis' tours and career; and former member of JD Sumner and the Stamps Quartet Larry Strickland;
- ELVIS GOSPEL HOMECOMING featuring gospel groups with special Elvis connections, including former members of J.D. Sumner and The Stamps – Donnie Sumner, Ed Hill and Larry Strickland & Terry Blackwood and The Imperials;
- ELVIS IN 1970 PANEL which will celebrate Elvis’ Nashville Marathon Sessions and “Elvis: That’s The Way It Is” documentary through stories and memories from those who were there.
There will also be the usual pile of Elvis tribute artist events including the ULTIMATE ELVIS TRIBUTE ARTIST CONTEST featuring semifinalists from around the world competing for the 2020 title;
Also other Elvis tribute artist events AN INTIMATE EVENING WITH SHAWN KLUSH AND CODY RAY SLAUGHTER and an acoustic afternoon with ELVIS UNPLUGGED: STARRING DEAN Z & FRIENDS.
Tickets for all Elvis Week events on-sale for general public Friday, March 6, see ticket information here at EPE
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)

'Elvis Day By Day 2019' Book Review: 2019 was a year of many celebrations. It marked the 50th anniversary of Elvis Presley's triumphant return to live performing and the release of two of his most iconic recordings, "Suspicious Minds" and “In The Ghetto”.
Sadly 2019 also marked the 42nd anniversary of his untimely death - yet his cultural impact may very well have been more visible and ‘alive’ during the last 42 years than when he was actually alive. And so is the Elvis-world today.
Kees Mouwen's "Elvis Day By Day 2019 - The year in Review" compiles a comprehensive and illustrated chronology of ‘everything Elvis from 2019’ in one physical reference book and with over 500 illustrations.
Joan Gansky first met Elvis on August 18, 1967 and was there at the '68 Special' as well as Elvis' 1969 Las Vegas live return.
She writes, "We are both honored and proud that this book features my husband Paul's photographs and my fond memories of August '69 at the International Las Vegas! When I wrote them back at that time, I never dreamed 50 years later they would be printed in any book, especially one of this high caliber. This ongoing deep interest is due to Elvis Presley and the enduring love for and appreciation of him by his fans worldwide."
Go here as Joan Gansky provides a lovely insider's review..
(Book Reviews, Source;JG/ElvisInfoNet)

'ELVIS In The 2010s' A Personal Review of the Past Decade: Rather like Elvis’s own career, each decade since Elvis’s death appears to have had a theme or identity of its own. Clearly the late 1970s were difficult for RCA as they struggled to find the right direction with which to take their posthumous releases, and so it was the 1980s that was the decade when the company slowly but surely learned how to look back at Elvis's legacy and start to make some sense of it.
The 1990s were when that reached a peak, with the decades boxed sets, and the Elvis in the 90s series, thus bringing virtually the whole catalogue back into print in a coherent way.
The 2000s were when errors of judgement at retail level started to occur (despite huge successes like Elv1s), but also when FTD came into its own and flourished.
And so what will we make of Elvis releases of the 2010s when we look back on them from the future?
Go here for EIN contributor Shane Brown's personal take on the highs and lows of Elvis product that has come our way over the last decade....
(Spotlight, Source;ShaneBrown/ElvisInformationNetwork)
One of EIN most popular recent articles - NOW UPDATED with YOUR comments - Have YOUR SAY - do you agree with Shane's comments? What were YOUR favourite releases and why?

MRS 'Elvis:Back In Living Stereo' in-depth Review: The new MRS set contains 6CDs of essential 1960-1962 master recordings, plus rare alternate outtakes - including plenty of officially unreleased material - and all of the personal home recordings Elvis made during the 1960s.
The 100 page book, with text from Gordon Minto, includes rare unpublished documents and photographs, supported by a comprehensive text discussing each of Elvis’ RCA studio (non-film) recording sessions held during 1960-62.
Musically the packed cds - over seven hours - present a stunning look at Elvis recording in the early sixties before the shine wore off. The "Master" sessions nicely contrast with the looser "Outtakes" discs and with Elvis getting even more uninhibited on the Home Recordings. - Very unihibited with a certain Nancy Sharpe!

But with so much thrown into the mix, and some tracks in poor audio quality, have MRS packed "Too Much" into the one release.Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson & Piers Beagley check out the positives and negatives in their in-depth review.

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'The Guitar Player Worth A Damn' - The King In Motion Vol. 4 (Venus Productions): Elvis' 1972 'On Tour' performances have been featured in multiple books as well as the official MGM movie / DVD. The latest Venus Productions multimedia set revisits this tour with a composite book, DVD and CD set. The DVD promises a qualified revamp of "Elvis On Tour" compiled from hours of unreleased footage taken from the best sources available - while the CDs include the never-before-released Hampton Roads Afternoon Show from April 9, 1972 plus an unreleased alternate mix of Elvis' Greensboro April 14, 1972 concert.
The main feature is the 200 page hardcover book with loads of rare pictures of the On Tour performances.EIN's Piers Beagley and Nigel Patterson recently explored this new release. What did they find? How does the book component compare to other Venus releases? What do the audio-visual elements offer?

Read Piers and Nigel's detailed review featuring plenty of example pages of 1972 Elvis 'On Tour' on-stage action.

(Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

Note: EIN receives a small % commission on any sales made from clicking the above links

'The Blue Hawaii Sessions' FTD confirmed: FTD's Ernst Jørgensen has confirmed with EIN that the expanded deluxe FTD release of 'The Blue Hawaii Sessions' is already being worked on.
Jørgensen notes that FTD do not like to announce future releases anymore since this only makes bootleggers rush in to bang-out poorer quality copy-cat product.
"We are normally working on a handful of these projects simultaneously" he adds.
EIN notes that with all the on-going debate about the recent "Venus" (really?) issue of their 'Mele Mai Ka Lani Mai' 'Blue-Hawaii sessions' (without the advertised "Top-Notch" sound!) it is good to know that fans of quality session releases can wait for the FTD version. In this circumstance, where the bootleg is already out, EIN thinks it is a real positive that FTD let fans know their sessions product will be released in the near-future.

(News, Source;EJ/ElvisInfoNet)

'Elvis Unleashed' EIN exclusive Review: The publicity stated... Experience the King Like Never Before With 'Elvis Unleashed'. Elvis Presley returns to big screens across the globe this fall with the new music special, "Elvis Unleashed" featuring previously unseen footage on movie theater screens of Elvis as he filmed the iconic "68 Comeback Special." The two-day cinema event, which includes outtakes and performances that reveal a new side of the King.
"Elvis Unleashed" captures the spontaneous moments and stories behind the legendary special, and sheds new light on Elvis as a cultural icon. Each screening will include a new 30-minute segment with LA writer Randy Lewis in conversation with actor Dennis Quaid, rising pop/country artist Jade Jackson and the esteemed director of the "68 Elvis Comeback Special," Steve Binder, to discuss Elvis's life and legacy.

But does the cinema-event really live up to all the publicity, is there really anything new to enjoy? The answer is that, "the material is amazing and essential viewing, you can tell that Elvis knew that a lot was at stake – he simply works his ass off".
While the US and Australia screenings were cancelled EIN contributor ARJAN DEELEN saw this movie-event in Copenhagen last night - and kindly sent us his on-the-spot review... he notes, "All fans deserve to see this footage"..
(Spotlight/Reviews, Source;ArjanDeelen/ElvisinfoNet)

'Elvis - That’s The Way It Is' Future FTD Release: There is no doubt that 2020 will be a massive celebration for the 50th Anniversary of Elvis' MGM filmed August 1970 Las Vegas concerts.
Erik Lorentzen (Elvis Files) has already announced his 3-book set 'Elvis Summer Festival' (see below)
Now FTD have announced their future 2020 deluxe TTWII Book / CD set.
.. David English & Pal Granlund who have just released details on their forthcoming FTD book/cd Elvis Presley - The Making of Viva Las Vegas are proud to announce a new book, which will be released in 2020 on the 50th Anniversary of the documentary Elvis That’s The Way It Is.
Some brief details are listed below.
THE BOOK: 'Elvis Presley - That’s The Way It Is'– Hardbound book with deluxe slipcase containing over 400 pages. It is a 12 by 12 Deluxe format, in the same style as the FTD book ‘Elvis Presley - A Boy From Tupelo’ and ‘Elvis Presley - The Making of Viva Las Vegas.’
With access to 2,000 original negatives
and 35mm slides, these images have been restored and repaired, many of which have never been seen before. The book will also contain items from the MGM and RCA archives including paperwork, documents, memos and recording information.
THE AUDIO: The package will also contain a gatefold sleeve and three compact discs with unreleased material, more details to follow.
EIN presumes the 3 cds will include the unreleased rehearsal material
(News, Source;FTD/ElvisInfoNet)

Elvis Calendars for 2020: A range of Elvis calendars have been released in the US for 2020 (EIN will feature EC released calendars shortly). They include:

ELVIS 'Live 1969'
Keeping an eye on the prices.

Now $105 (down from $160) <<< US Amazon

UK Amazon >>> £71.00

Both with FREE Delivery
Check deals at other sites.

ELVIS Forever - 2019: - August 16th, 1956, Elvis arrived on board an American Airlines flight to Los Angeles International airport in order to start work on his first film role, The Reno Brothers soon to be renamed 'Love Me Tender'.
Elvis was only 21 years old and at the start of his incredible trajectory to become the world's biggest superstar.
Little did Elvis know that he was already halfway through his all too-short life on earth.
In the same month Elvis would tell fans, "I've been lucky. You know something? I just feel sometimes like it's all a dream, like I'll rub my eyes and wake up and it will be over. I hope not. I hope it never happens. I hope it never ends"
Sadly, just 21 years later, it would end far too soon.
Forty two years on we all are once again thinking about tragic end to Elvis' incredible life and how much he did for us in his all too short life-time.

In 2019 EIN's Piers Beagley looks back at why the legacy of ELVIS is still so important to us - along with memories of Elvis from Jerry Schilling, Linda Thompson, Alan Fortas, George Klein, Joe Esposito, Marty Lacker, Lamar Fike and Larry Geller
(Spotlight, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

31 July 2019 .... It was FIFTY YEARS ago today ... Elvis was back in Las Vegas ..
Elvis’ in 1969 - the triumphant return: - By Maria Davies / Rex Martin
Ian Fraser-Thomson 1969 fan Interview: he was there for Opening Night show and the Press Conference

(Book Review): Elvis in Vegas: How the King Reinvented the Las Vegas Show (Richard Zoglin): EIN recently interviewed senior editor of Time magazine, Richard Zoglin, about his new book, Elvis in Vegas. To complement our interview, EIN's Nigel Patterson provides a detailed review of Zoglin's book, a release that offers a lot more than its title suggests, and a book that is clearly one of the most important Elvis releases of 2019.

Read Nigel's detailed review of Elvis in Vegas: How the King Reinvented the Las Vegas Show

Read EIN's interview with the author, Richard Zoglin

'The Fun In Acapulco Sessions' Deluxe FTD Review: Released by FTD back in March 'The Fun In Acapulco Sessions' is a 3-CD set that the publicity noted included more than an hour of previously unreleased false starts and complete takes!
The 28-page booklet includes rare photographs, memorabilia, session data, Movie Trivia and an updated overview of the movie by Alan Hanson - with all tracks recently remixed and remastered.
A Mexican locale, some Tijuana horns, plus the interesting presence of the Mexican ‘Amigos’ at the recording sessions presented a novel setting for Elvis.
If you like Elvis, sunny locations, sixties movies packed full of songs and the Latino sound then there is no doubt that Fun In Acapulco must be one of your favourites.
But 56 years after the original album and movie can there really be that much of interest left in the vault unreleased?
EIN's Piers Beagley investigates this massive set, discovers all the Previously Unreleased Delights - and wonders if 33 minutes of Guadalajara might be too much for some...
A FTD Deluxe set deserves a proper review and EIN gives you 4000 words plus to see if you really need to add this limited release to your collection!
(FTD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Ken Sharp Interview 2019: Ken Sharp is a New York Times best-selling writer who has published an astounding number of books about musicians such John Lennon, David Bowie, Kiss, Cheap Trick, LA's Wrecking Crew as well as Elvis Presley.
He authored the stunning FTD book 'Writing For The King' as well as the unique 'Elvis Vegas 1969' and has published a multitude of interviews with key Elvis acquaintances in major music magazines such as Goldmine, he has also supplied sleeve notes for some major Sony ELVIS releases.
Packed full of unique interviews, fans have asked EIN whether "Elvis Vegas '69"is being republished for the 50th anniversary. It has been a while since EIN has caught up with Ken Sharp - and with the 50th anniversary of Elvis' 1969 Las Vegas Return-To-Splendour about to be celebrated we thought it was about time to find up what he was up to.

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley asked the questions.. and YES you can get copies of 'Elvis Vegas 1969' now at a special price for the 50th anniversary.
(Interviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review): Elvis September 1958 - Germany Bound (Paul Belard): Paul Belard's latest visual and archival record of the Elvis story focuses on just one month, September 1958. This was the month Elvis prepared for his departure from the USA on deployment to Germany to continue his Army training. EIN's Nigel Patterson took a tour of duty through Germany Bound. He has taken inventory and you can read what Nigel found here:

Read Nigel's review ......

..(Book Review, Source: EIN)

Elvis LIVE Aug 23, 1969 Album Review + Elvis Concert Review 1969: ... "The atmosphere throughout the entire hotel was nail-bitingly electric! It is difficult for me to describe and paint a true portrait of attending in person this unique occasion - Elvis' Return to Splendor LIVE in 1969 - but I'll try my best.  I want, and hope, you will understand the excitement of what has to be the pinnacle of Elvis' career to date!"
Joan Gansky was lucky because not only was she in the audience for Elvis' TV musical renaissance of the '68 NBC Special but she also saw Elvis at his most dynamic - first at his August 22nd 1969 Midnight Show and then the following night at his August 23rd Dinner Show.
Joan Gansky has written this insightful and emotional article for EIN in 2019, fifty years later, looking back at this special event from 1969 as well as providing her review of the new RCA vinyl album of the August 23rd Dinner Show.
One of EIN's most important articles we have ever published - Go here for Joan and Paul Gansky's incredible articles and exclusive photos
(Review/Spotlight, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'Elvis - Made In Germany’ In-Depth Review: The new MRS 'Elvis - Made In Germany – The Complete Private Recordings’ 4CD set contains more than 3 hours of the private recordings Elvis made while off duty in Germany when he was serving as a soldier in the US army during the 1958 -1960 period and, includes rare tracks from a recently discovered tape comprising over an hour of unheard personal recordings.
The 152-page hardback book contains rare photographs and documents plus a comprehensive text provided by Gordon Minto, which discusses each of Elvis’ RCA studio (non-film) recording sessions held during 1957-58, before focusing on the private recordings he made in Germany.
The BONUS CD features the essential RCA studio masters from 1957-58.With such an expansive book, along with hours of Elvis jamming with his friends in Germany, there is plenty to discuss as well as finding out what extra material this set contains over the official releases.
Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson & Piers Beagley provide an in-depth review of this new MRS release

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'The Best Of The '68 Comeback Special' CD Review: The original NBC TV Special featured Elvis playing with so much passion that it inspired a career renaissance
Released to cash-in on the recent “Elvis All-Star Tribute” one can only hope that the mass of Post Malone and Ed Sheeran fans will consider Elvis’ amazing musical legacy worth checking out.
Elvis never looked cooler than in the 68 Special and this surely has got to help.
The original ELVIS NBC soundtrack vinyl album was obviously the very first selected ‘Best Of’ while BMG’s marvellous 1998 “Memories” double-album was an expanded version. This new ‘Best Of’ has presumably been selected by Rob Santos and John Jackson.
Elvis was SO DAMN GOOD performing for the NBC TV special that any alternate edit has to be enjoyable so EIN thought it worth giving the new set a spin. With all of Elvis’ USA sales getting a positive bump after the new TV show we know that this new set is being played in a fair few homes.  
EIN's Piers Beagley investigates, can another '68 ComeBack Special compilation really be worth buying all over again?
and Have Your Say! Does this really help Elvis' great legacy...  
(CD Review, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Larry Geller talks to EIN: Larry Geller, Elvis' personal hair stylist and spiritual confidante, recently talked with EIN's Nigel Patterson about a range of Elvis and Larry related issues. Larry's fascinating and candid interview traverses issues including:

  • Elvis' last few years and his dramatic plans to change his life and career from September 1977new claims about Elvis by Aurelia Dupont Yarbrough and singer-songwriter, Leo Sayer meeting Elvis for the first time - and later working for him"What was Elvis really like?", what Larry tells fans who want to know Elvis and UFOsVernon Presley and the "blue light" over the Presley home in Tupelo the night Elvis was born
  • Larry's new company, Wisdome Organics, based on his Holistic Hair Care Philosophy

Read Larry's interview

(Interview, Source: EIN)

'What was Elvis searching for?' EIN Spotlight: The question is raised – but never answered – in the title of HBO’s recent absorbing, imperfect documentary 'Elvis Presley: The Searcher'.
At the start it seems clear what the teenage Elvis was searching for – an escape from the oblivion of poverty in the American South. Yet his quest was cultural as well as financial.
Later Elvis read obsessively, seeking out such books as The Impersonal Life, Joseph Brenner’s guide to self-discovery and Kahil Gibran’s book of fables, The Prophet. In his copy of Gibran’s tome, Elvis jotted down the line: “A singer can sing his songs but he must have an ear to receive the song”.
So what exactly was Elvis searching for? In this fascinating EIN Spotlight respected author Paul Simpson takes a close look at this all important question which, for some reason, was basically ignored in the recent HBO documentary..

(Spotlight, Source;PaulSimpson/ElvisInformationNetwork)

Don't forget that EIN's Elvis Facebook page regularly features fabulous RARE newly discovered photos of Elvis. This week celebrated our 29,000 members! - including several of Elvis' own friends and colleagues So Elvis fans don't miss out on these rare and exciting photographs.

Now with over thousands of great photos, News and with more added every day – including YouTube footage.

Click here to Facebook - Elvis Information Network group.

The VINYL Boom: Over 7.6 million vinyl LPs were sold in the USA during the first half of 2018, a 20% increase from the previous year, while in Australia vinyl sales increased by $3 million, the same increase of 20%. In the same period CD sales however dropped by 15%.
Elvis vinyl is still selling very nicely with ‘ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits’ recently in the UK Top ten VINYL charts.
And there is plenty of Elvis Presley vinyl on offer....

‘ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits’ on GOLD Vinyl: ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits was re-released by Sony Music on GOLD Vinyl on 12 October. UK's Entertainment-Focus have posted this cute review.
... What is there to say about Elvis Presley that hasn’t already been said?
It may be 41 years since the icon died tragically at only 42 years old but his music continues to live on, and likely will forever. It’s actually mind-blowing to think that his music has survived for almost as long as he was alive. In 2002 Sony Music released a new greatest hits collection titled ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits, which dominated charts across the world and sold millions and millions of copies. 16 years on from its original release, ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits has been reissued on 2LP vinyl.
Taking inspiration from the album cover, the release has been pressed on gold vinyl making the whole package feel very special.
Presley was an incredibly prolific artist so getting this collection down to 31 tracks was no easy feat. It also includes the ALLC Junkie XL remix.
 What was achieved with ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits though, is a

collection that gives you all the highlights you need from The King’s career to showcase the incredible impact he had on music. The album opens with Heartbreak Hotel and there isn’t a single filler track here.
It’s actually near impossible to pick out highlights across the 2LPs because every single one of these songs is a classic.
Of course no Elvis collection would be complete without Suspicious Minds and that track is near the end of the track listing on the final side.
The release features the artwork from the original 2002 release and it’s a beautiful, high-quality gatefold. I mentioned earlier about the gold vinyl but what I’ve not commented on yet is the sound. The CD version was a little patchy given that the songs were all recorded at different times. It’s not as noticeable on the vinyl release and the quality is crystal clear. The warm crackle of vinyl adds to the overall feel too.
ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits is a must-have release for any Elvis Presley fan. While he had plenty of great songs that aren’t featured here, this collection truly is the definitive one to own. There’s not a single bad song here and it’s lengthy enough to give you value for money. The whole vinyl package is fantastic and it looks as good as it sounds.
They don’t make artists like Elvis anymore and they probably never will again.

(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

‘ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits’ GOLD Vinyl Double LP.

'ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits' is a must-have release for any Elvis Presley fan.

The Official 'A Boy From Tupelo' Vinyl album is still selling, while there are some interesting Public Domain Vinyl releases out in the UK including 'Jailhouse Rock' with 16 tracks even including 'Lonesome Cowboy'! Also the rather odd CD called 'Girls! Girls! Girls! + Loving You' with thirty tracks including Bonus tracks such as 'Is It So Strange' and even 'Good Luck Charm' out 29 October 2018 from Hoo Doo Records!





'Elvis Presley: The Searcher' DVD Review: For fans of Elvis’ music there is no doubt that the HBO documentary “Elvis Presley The Searcher” was one of the best programmes ever made about Elvis and where his inspiration and music came from. Fans were therefore pleased to know that the documentary would be released on DVD. The vision quality is excellent and it is a joy to slow-mo through some of the newly found clips and historical footage of Elvis. However, how can such a fine documentary feel like such a let down as fans discover there are no DVD extras included that look deeper into Elvis' search?
EIN's Piers Beagley looks at the recent Australian DVD releases to find a good value-for-money documentary is also one of the biggest Elvis marketing failures in years and a disgrace. Go here for the full review, a look at the "Questions & Answers" bonus material plus the special 20-page booklet. Is it really what Elvis fans wanted in this special DVD release?

(DVD Reviews; Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

The Searcher DVD - OUT NOW

The standard versions are available from under US$18 and £14.99 in the UK.

'The Searcher Collector's Edition' costs $33 from Amazon USA.

UPDATED - ‘Where No One Stands Alone’ In-Depth Review: It is forty years since Elvis Presley entered a recording studio and he seems very reluctant to record anything new. So in terms of releasing a "new" album of Elvis material the topic has always been a tricky one. After commercial failure of the last Elvis / RPO album that concept has been dropped in favour of an Andy Childs led “Re-Vamp” of some Elvis Gospel.
Recorded over fifty years ago there is no doubt that some of Elvis’ Gospel songs might benefit from some sensitive modern production. And, after all, there is an interesting selection of tracks to work with. Not only that, but Lisa Marie was also involved in the recording.
So can a new ‘Re-Vamp’ of Elvis Gospel really work and can we recommend it to Elvis collectors?
Click here as EIN's Piers Beagley and Bryan Gruszka are back again to cause "Double-trouble" and supply a very detailed review, discovering what's good and bad...
And HAVE YOUR SAY - what do you think of the new album? Are we wrong in our opinions?
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
MORE UPDATES with YOUR FEEDBACK - Our review certainly has stimulated great debate with comments from "The two of you haven’t a clue!" to "A great, sobering review" - Now updated with even more of your comments - go here to check out the full review and send EIN YOUR THOUGHTS

(Book Review) The Elvis Experience (Dave Hebler): As a member of Elvis' Memphis Mafia, Dave Hebler was part of Elvis' inner sanctum at least until his acromonious sacking, along with Red West and Sonny West, in 1976, and the subsequent publication of the infamous book, Elvis What Happened?. Over the years, Dave, Red and Sonny West reclaimed respect in the Elvis world, at least with many fans, if not the Presley family and EPE. Dave Hebler's new book was released during Elvis Week 2018. The Elvis Experience has a 'fan friendly' feel to it. There are many amusing and fun stories and the author does not shy away from discussing at least some of the not so positive aspects of his experience working for Elvis. To find out more about "The Elvis Experience" you can read Nigel Patterson's in-depth review here.

(Book Review, Source: EIN)

For all 'The SEARCHER' News and Reviews go to EIN's spotlight on 'Elvis Presley: The Searcher'

UPDATED - Elvis Presley: The Searcher (HBO film review): EIN's Nigel Patterson takes an in-depth look at Thom Zimny's documentary film about Elvis and his music.

What Nigel finds will surprise many fans. Discover what's The Good and The Bad about this new documentary looking at Elvis' music.

Is the film a masterpiece (the definitive Elvis documentary), over-rated or somewhere in the middle?


Read Nigel's review here

(Film Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

UPDATED - EIN review ‘Elvis: The Searcher’ Deluxe CD boxset: If your main interest in Elvis is his music then HBO’s ‘Elvis: The Searcher’ will probably become your favourite documentary ever produced about our hero.
The companion 3-CD deluxe edition box set offers an expanded 55-track overview of Elvis’ career as heard in the film including familiar hit recordings, powerful vocal performances and rare outtakes plus a bonus disc of additional recordings relevant to the film - including several early singles that inspired Elvis.Thom Zimny said, "To live with the music of The Searcher over a period of years was more than a privilege. It changed my thinking about the emotional life of songs, both for those who make them and those who listen to them."
While keen Elvis fans may already own all the chosen songs Director Thom Zimny's selection is so eclectic that there is still plenty to enjoy and discover. But does the box-set really work without having seen the film?
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley provides an indepth review and investigates how the new box-set works compared with the HBO documentary.... Now updated with YOUR Comments
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Counting Down Elvis His 100 Finest Songs (Mark Duffett): Given Elvis recorded around 700 songs during his lifetime, compiling a list of his 100 finest recordings is no mean feat. EIN's Nigel Patterson recently submerged himself in Mark Duffett's latest book and found a wonderfully woven narrative full of intriguing analysis and musical surprises as it counted down to #1 and then offered 100 more. For lovers of Elvis' music this is an essential read.

Read Nigel's detailed review

(Book Review, Source: EIN)

'ELVIS ON TOUR - 45th Anniversary Deluxe Edition' IN-Depth Review: Amiga International's long awaited LIMITED-EDITION boxset featuring 9-CD’s, all remastered, of all known recordings made for the Golden Globe Award-winning concert documentary ELVIS ON TOUR is OUT NOW. It includes the premiere of the complete rehearsal recorded in Buffalo, NY on April 5, 1972, with three previously unreleased performances.
The 13-inch boxset also includes a huge 128-page hardcover book containing detailed essays of the entire April 1972 tour with RARE AND UNPUBLISHED photographs and related memorabilia.

When considering the lack of attention paid to this concert documentary, it seems a shame that so few official releases have emerged. It is for this reason that AMIGA International presents this deluxe package to honor the excellent recordings made for the much neglected "Elvis On Tour" film.

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley supplies a 5,000 word indepth review - includes stunning photos and discovers that this AMIGA 'On Tour' box-set is the BEST deluxe Elvis release since the 2012 FTD 'Boy From Tupelo'Includes plenty of example photos demonstrating the massive size of this deluxe coffee-table book.

(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

FTD will NOT end in 2019:  A fair number of uninformed supposed Elvis "insiders" (even some Fan Club Presidents) have been publishing fictional stories that the FTD label is planning to close in 2019.
Ernst Jorgensen had strongly denied this story stating, that FTD has plans to continue for the foreseeable future.
In an interesting interview about 'The Future of FTD' - with Trevor Cajiao in the recent ETM&HM magazine - Ernst Jorgensen's main points were....
1. FTD will not be closing in 2019
2. The 'Classic Albums" series is nearly complete but there are more to come, noting 'Aloha' and 'Madison Square Garden' are still to be done.
3. Expanded "complete session tapes" releases are being considered
4. Plenty more soundboards to come
To read the complete story including answers about FTD deletions and other future ideas please read the December issue of ETM&HM.
For what's left for FTD check out our detailed listing
(News, Source;FTD/ElvisInfoNet)

UPDATED - Trying To Get To You: The Truth Behind The Elvis And Roy Orbison Show Rumours: For decades there has always been an unsubstantiated rumour that Elvis Presley appeared as a guest on Roy Orbison's TV show on the local station KOSA.
The Roy Orbison website notes that both Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley performed on Roy’s TV show in late 1955.
Respected author Colin Escott wrote in his book Good Rockin’ Tonight about a kinescope of Elvis on the Roy Orbison TV show actually existing.
Some keen Elvis fans have said that they have seen this very kinescope at Elvis Week shows back in the 80s.
But like infamous Pied Piper of Cleveland does this footage really exist and is there any real proof that Elvis did appear on the Roy Orbison TV show?
Shane Brown (author of Reconsider Baby: Elvis: A Listener's Guide) has done an immense amount of investigation and thinks he has found the answer.

Go here as EIN contributor & author Shane Brown investigates and checks the facts and the fantasy.
(Spotlight; Source;SBrown/ElvisInformationNetwork)

'ELVIS: That's The Way It Was & This Is How It Is Today': Elvis is no longer with us but his spirit lives forever. Elvis fans always discover something quite magical when they get the chance to “Walk-a-mile-in-his-shoes”. Graceland, when not overrun by crowds, feels very special indeed. Standing in the quiet you can almost feel the spirit of Elvis still inhabiting his home. The feeling in Memphis’ Sun Studios can bring fans to tears.
One of the places that Elvis spent a large part of his life is the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel – now the Westgate. Elvis performed a stunning 636 concerts in the Hilton showroom and the impact of his incredible legacy can still be felt. - NOW with more great Hilton photos - plus EIN Readers Feedback. Arjan Deelen recently returned to the classic hotel to investigate “Elvis Hotspots” and discovered that behind the showroom stage it is relatively unchanged. Go here to Arjan Deelen's fascinating investigation.
(Spotlight, Source;ArjanDeelen/ElvisInfoNetwork)

Book Review "Reconsider Baby: Elvis: A Listener's Guide": Elvis Presley made over 700 recordings during his life. This book by author Shane Brown examines all of them. Session by session, song by song, Reconsider Baby takes the reader on a journey from Elvis’s first recordings in 1953 through to his last performances in 1977.
This significantly expanded and revised edition of 2014’s Elvis Presley: A Listener’s Guide provides a commentary on Elvis’s vast and varied body of work, while also examining in detail how Elvis and his recordings and performances were discussed in newspapers, magazines, and trade publications from the 1950s through to the 1970s.
The text draws on over 500 contemporary articles and reviews, telling for the first time the story of how Elvis and his career played out in the printed media, and often forcing us to question our understanding of how Elvis’s work was received at the time of release.

Can another detailed examination into Elvis' musical legacy really be worth buying? (Hint, the answer is a big YES!)
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley reviews the newly expanded look into Elvis' musical legacy, including some choice book extracts...

(Book Reviews, Source,ElvisInformationNetwork)

Mindi Miller Interview with EIN: Mindi Miller was a working actress when she met Elvis in early 1975. She was interested in karate (she performed all her own movie stunts), exploring spirituality and the Bible and so they had a lot in common.
Mindi Miller and Elvis bonded over their common interests and soon afterwards he asked her to go on tour with him in April 1975.
She stayed friends with Elvis through the years - along with members of the 'Memphis Mafia' - and attended his funeral.

EIN's Sanja Meegin recently caught up with Mindi Miller to talk about her close friendship with Elvis over the years.
In this fascinating interview she discusses. . .
- Her first night with Elvis
- How Elvis persuaded her to cancel her overseas movie & modelling plans
- Their mutual interest in Karate
- Graceland and meeting Lisa Marie
- Attending Elvis' funeral 
. . . and much much more...
Go here for EIN's Sanja Meegin and her intimate and detailed discussion with the delightful Mindi Miller - Now with Reader Feedback.

(Interviews, Source;SMeegin/ElvisInformationNetwork)

Official Elvis CD Box-sets at bargain prices through Amazon UK

'Marty Lacker: A Life Well-Lived' & Elvis at American Studio's Interview: It was with immense sadness that last month EIN had to report on the death of our great friend - and a true friend to Elvis - Marty Lacker. We will miss him dearly.
Marty is well-known as one of the key members of the Memphis Mafia and also co-Best Man at Elvis' wedding. He was known for both his honesty and being forthright with his opinions. He was the only member of the Memphis Mafia who still watched and commented on recent Elvis News. He had no issue with holding people to account (especially ones who would inflate their importance within Elvis' legacy) and would regularly ask EIN to add his comments or to correct any inaccuracy.
Elvis fans often ask about Marty Lacker's background, how he came to meet Elvis, as well as his involvement in the music industry outside of working for The King.
As a prelude to Ken Sharp's fascinating interview with Marty Lacker and a discussion about Elvis' famous American Studio' Memphis sessions, EIN presents "Marty Lacker: a life well-lived" in which Marty tells of his life in the music industry, his friendship with Elvis along with his dislike of the over-controlling Col Parker.
Go here to learn all you need to know about Marty Lacker as well as Elvis outstanding Memphis American Sound sessions in 1969.
(Spotlight; Source,KenSharp/ElvisInformationNetwork)

Marty Lacker RIP : Sadly Marty will no longer be able to answer all your those fascinating questions, but his honesty and openess should not be forgotten.

- Chips Moman (RIP) later thoughts on Elvis
- Being a consultant on 1979 "ELVIS" movie.
- The demonstrations in Memphis this Elvis Week.
- Felton Jarvis as Elvis' Executive Album Producer.
- The Jungle Room sessions
- Elvis might have some illegitimate children
- Why did Elvis never travel to holiday in Europe,
- Is David Stanley, Holy Priest of truth, OR a liarGo here to 'ASK MARTY' to remember the great man.

(Ask Marty, Source;ML/ElvisInfoNet)

'The World of FTD' In-Depth Review: The new deluxe book 'The World Of FTD' has been received by some lucky fans and Elvis collector Mike Lodge has provided EIN with a very detailed review - of well over 3 thousand words! The book was authored and designed by Keith Flynn with input from a large number of other Elvis specialists including EIN's Piers Beagley, EM&HM's Trevor Cajiao, Geoffrey McDonnell, Gordon Minto and many others.
It is 1,200 pages, hardbound three book set, chronicling every release by FTD.The book also features 100s of high-quality photos from the collection Erik Lorentzen
KJ Consulting are proud to publish this Box Set which weighs 8 kilos.

Unfortunately the book has not arrived in Australia yet so I have not seen the final product!
Go here to see his very detailed review - plus more new preview pages - EIN thanks Mike Lodge for the review
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Book Review: A Little Thing Called Life: Finally, Linda Thompson's memoir has been published.....and it has been well worth the wait! Linda's life, not only with Elvis, but with two other global icons and her own amazing career is an engrossing and revealing read. Inside its nearly 400 pages Linda reveals her life as an individual, as a mother and as a partner. We learn of the similarities and differences between the three.Alternating between the light, dark and shades of life in between, A Little Thing Called Life is an honest and intimate account of the incredible life of an amazing woman, from the three men who shared her life and her family to the highly successful and varied career that she continues to enjoy. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

Read Nigel Patterson's detailed review

UPDATED - 'Way Down In The Jungle Room' EIN Review:  Released for August 2016 this SONY Legacy pack celebrates the 40th anniversary of Elvis’ last recording sessions which took place in Graceland’s Jungle Room.
The publicity noted the sessions “have been newly mixed by Matt Ross-Spang at Sam Phillips Recording” and “includes both outtakes and in-the-studio dialog, providing a ‘fly-on-the-wall experience’ of what the sessions were like".
Elvis' original 76/77 albums were fairly uninspired collections (bar a few fine singles) and on the original LPs it was almost impossible to glimpse any sign of creative input from Elvis through the syrupy overdubs. It wasn't until the release of FTD’s magnificent ‘The Jungle Room Sessions’ that many fans began to understand the raw emotion, close camaraderie and Elvis’ personal feelings that were revealed by these intimate Graceland sessions.
To produce that same kind of revelation for the 'General Public' would be a very tricky project but that is exactly what the new legacy team has done - and to great effect.
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley discovers the old Elvis magic and what is special for Elvis Collectors in our in-depth review
Now Updated & Expanded with Your Comments - James Burton talks about the Jungle Room sessions & more
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)
- - .

In Australia - buy this great release for only $23 at JBHiFi click here . delivery only $1.70!

Please Do Not be ripped off by other Australian Elvis shops.

UPDATED - Paul Dowling EIN Interview Part Three: Paul Dowling is without doubt one of the major names in the Elvis World. He started collecting and selling Elvis vinyl over 40 years ago and has one of the world's largest Elvis Presley record collections. He started his "WorldWide Elvis" shop back in the seventies, way before the internet, where fans could get hold of rare Elvis records and memorabilia.
With such a fascination with Elvis, Dowling not only became a big name in the early years of Elvis bootlegs but later became friends with Ernst Jorgensen and helped RCA with various official releases.
In the final part of our fascinating interview Paul Dowling discusses ....
- Dodging the FBI agents that were sent after him
- Unreleased Elvis material that still hasn’t come out
- Why does Ernst Jorgensen doubt this claims
- His BMG project 'For The First Time Ever' - what happened
- The true story of obtaining the Million Dollar Quartet tape
- His thoughts on Paul Lichter, Sean Saver, Sherif Hanna, Rex Martin
- Spending time with Alan Fortas
- Jim Curtin, newly added story 
Go here - Don’t Miss Part Three of our exclusive EIN interview - an essential read for Elvis collectors.
(Interviews; Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)


'Elvis Taking Care Of Business - In A Flash FTD Book Review: Focusing on Elvis in late 1970 and early 1971, "Elvis Presley Taking Care Of Business - In A Flash" is the new FTD Book/CD combo by Flaming Star/FTD.
Produced by David English, Pål Granlund and Paul Richardson, this book presents a detailed chronicle of Elvis’ personal life and public career between the autumn of 1970 and the early weeks of 1971.
It is a hardcover, large-format book with 450 pages that offer detailed coverage of Elvis’ life and career over the important four months from October 1970 to January 1971.
The publicity promised hundreds of photographs, many of them candid and previously unpublished and new and exclusive interviews.
It also comes with a bonus CD with unreleased versions of studio-tracks plus Elvis’ concert in Portland, Oregon on Nov 11th 1970.

Can it really be as good as promised? EIN's Piers Beagley investigates and discovers plenty .. Go here to our indepth review featuring plenty of extracts and wonderful photographs.
(FTD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'Ultimate Elvis' New Electronic Edition: Announced by Elvis sessions expert Keith Flynn for publication November 1 is the brand new concept of the 1750 page super-deluxe Elvis sessions book 'Ultimate Elvis' Electronic Edition.
This incredible three volume book will now be available as an e-book on an i-pad or android tablet.
- Created in HTML5
Fully updated e-books will open in any web browser on any operating system, so no need for separate downloads for different operating systems.
- Life-Like 'Flipping' Pages
Flip through pages as if you are reading an actual book, but also being able to zoom-in to view smaller images and captions.
- View as Double or Single pages
View as double pages on a computer or laptop etc, and single pages when viewing in portrait on an i-pad or Android tablet.
- Fully Navigational Table Of Contents
Jump back and forth to the sections of the books you want to read, instead of flipping through numerous pages to find what you want.
PRICED AT - all 3 Volumes for £60 = US$93
On sale from November 1st 2015.
Try Before You Buy - Download free zip-file containing 27 pages from Volume 1, before you decide to buy the complete set. - NOTE - These books are MASSIVE so you will need approximately 1GB of spare disc space for these three volumes, - Click HERE to Keith Flynn's 'Ultimate Elvis' Electronic Edition to try.
Go HERE to EIN's independent review of 'Ultimate Elvis'
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Did Elvis Record 'Tiger Man' At Sun?: A question that has puzzled Elvis fans through the years is whether he actually recorded the song ‘Tiger Man’ during his years at SUN studios.
The basic question is why did Elvis refer to 'Tiger man' several times in concert as “The second song that I ever recorded, not too many people heard it”?
And if Elvis DID record it, then why hasn’t any reference to it at SUN or proof of its existence been found?
Elvis would first perform ‘Tiger Man’ in concert at his first 1969 Las Vegas International season and would continue playing it through the years – usually in a medley with Mystery Train - until his last performance at Saginaw on May 3 1977. He would sing it over 150 times on stage!
The thought that there might be an acetate or undiscovered tape of Elvis at SUN singing ‘Tiger Man’ is a mouth-watering concept - but is it an unlikely fantasy or strong possibility?
Go here to our detailed 'TIGER MAN' spotlight as EIN's Piers Beagley puts in the hard yards to check the facts from the fantasy .
(Spotlight; Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

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